How Can Morning After Pills Prevent Pregnancy?

Morning-after pills, the number one enemy of unwanted pregnancy, do a pretty good job of preventing pregnancy. How does he really do this?

Morning-after pills, which are generally used after unprotected sexual intercourse to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, How can pregnancy be prevented? what do you think?

What kind of effect does it have when it enters the body and what does it change about potential pregnancy? Prevents it as if touched by a magic wand?

The risk of pregnancy increases as the intake period is delayed.

Morning after pills, one of the most common methods used to prevent pregnancy, should be taken first after intercourse to be effective. within 24 hours It needs to be taken. It can also be taken for up to 72 hours, but the likelihood of its effect decreases considerably.

The high doses of hormones in these pills By creating some effects on the body It can prevent pregnancy. So what exactly is happening in this process?

The pills say to the ovaries, “Just wait.” says.


Morning-after pills, which contain the hormone progestin, provide a kind of emergency warning to the ovaries. It prevents or delays the release of eggs.

In this process, the sperms entering the race, may the lucky one win, loses the chance to unite with the egg and it just stays there.

The pills, which are almost magical, can also change the inner lining of the uterus.


Thanks to the pills It is not possible for the uterine lining to thicken and as a result, pregnancy does not occur because the already fertilized egg cannot attach to the uterus.

In addition, another effect of the pills is that the cervical mucus (cervical fluid) becomes darker and It can make it difficult for sperm to reach the egg.

In short, morning after pills try many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but it is important to remember that they are not a 100% effective option. So, even if you use the pill, it is always possible to get pregnant. Let us also remind you that you should consult a doctor before using such pills.

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