According to Central Bank Study, Digital Money Will Affect the Banking Sector “Too Much”

According to a trial study conducted in Hong Kong, payment transactions can be made faster and more cost-effectively thanks to digital currencies.

of hong kong e-HKD The pilot study started in May for the CBDC project called 16 banks and payment companies attended. Throughout the study, experiments were made with online payments, shop and restaurant payments, and Web3 transactions.

Digital central bank money’s main arrival in Hong Kong programmability, tokenization And instant reconciliation It is thought that it will be beneficial for

According to the statement made by Howard Lee, Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), e-HKD, “has a huge impact on the banking and financial services industry” will be. However, the HKMA has not yet decided on the future of e-HKD.

According to Lee’s statements, e-HKD related to business model and legislation A second test run will be conducted.

The HKMA is also working with the Bank of China, the central banks of Thailand and the United Arab Emirates, and the Bank for International Settlements to see how digital money can be used internationally.

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