A New Type of Coronavirus Discovered in Mice

Scientists announced that they discovered a new type of coronavirus in Sweden. In the shared statements, it was emphasized that it is not yet known whether the new type of virus poses a threat to humans.

Detected in December 2019 SARS COV-2 While the type of coronavirus caused the death of millions of people all over the world, it had a profound effect on our lives. After SARS-CoV-2, both coronavirus types and other viruses in wild animals were under close scrutiny by the scientific world.

While studies continue to be carried out to prevent humanity from encountering a new pandemic, we passed by. Another new type of coronavirus discovered. According to the information shared by scientists, the new virus has added a new type of coronavirus, which is common among wild animals in Sweden, to the literature.

It is unknown whether the virus will infect humans

According to the statements made, the virus was discovered in red-backed mice. In reference to the region where it was discovered, ‘Grimso virusSome important statements were also made for the coronavirus, which is called ‘. Scientists are wondering whether the virus is a threat to humans. there is not enough information yet explained. As virologist Ake Lundkvist of Uppsala University explained:

“What potential threats to public health might the Grimsö virus pose? we still don’t know. However, based on our observations and previous coronaviruses detected among red-back mice, there is good reason to continue monitoring the coronavirus in wild rodents.”

Mice in which the virus was detected are very close to humans:

Redback mice are among the most common rodent species found in Europe. known as the epidemic of nephropathy in humans, causing hemorrhagic fever. Puumala virus also known as their hosts. Mice enter buildings for shelter in adverse weather conditions. Any case where the coronavirus in mice was transmitted to humans not yet observed. The virus will be kept under observation by scientists.

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