A New Muscle Layer Discovered in the Human Jaw

Although it is thought that no stones are left untouched in the human body in the anatomical studies carried out in the last 100 years, scientists have recently made another new discovery. The existence of a hypothetical muscle layer in the human jaw has been confirmed for a long time.

The world of science continues to surprise us with each passing day. While we could not even reveal some secrets in our own body, another proof of this has been revealed today. Scientists have announced that a new muscle has been discovered in the human face. This new muscle that can rewrite anatomy books where it is located behind the cheeks and undertakes the task of fixing the lower jaw specified.

Scientists led by Szilvia Mezey of the University of Basel in Switzerland have found that the muscle behind the cheeks, which before the discovery was considered the most prominent of the jaw muscles, has hitherto been hypothetical and that it consists of a single deep layer said he was considering. It was explained that the movement of the newly discovered muscle is felt prominently between the cheeks when the teeth are pressed together.

The masseter muscle was thought to consist of layers

The study, published Dec. 2 in the Annals of Anatomy, examined the structure of the masseter muscle, one of the masticatory muscles. a structure formed in the third and deeper layer defined as. Dr. In his statement, Mezey said that this deep part of the masseter muscle can be more clearly distinguished from the other two layers in terms of function.

Other previous studies suggested that the masseter muscle may have three layers. But scientists said these early explanations were ‘highly inconsistent’. scientists, new research Muscles of 24 individuals examined. Twelve of these individuals were deceased individuals who had donated their bodies to science.


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Emphasizing that this layer, which was discovered as a result of the examination, is connected to the muscular or ‘coronoid’ protrusion of the lower jaw, ‘Musculus masseter pars coronidea (coronoid part of masseter)‘ was named. In the team, Dr. Jens Christoph Türp stated that although it is assumed that the anatomical studies conducted in the last 100 years have investigated all kinds of places, the finding is similar to the discovery of a new vertebrate species.

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