A Cartoon Solution to Global Warming

Scientists have proposed a strange solution to global warming. It has been announced that the sun’s rays can be blocked by placing the moon dust in space.

Global warming, which was the result of many actions we took in the past without thinking about the future, now makes itself felt concretely and negatively affects our lives. While the scientific world continues to seek a solution to this problem, not very pleasant A solution has also been devised.

The new research, published in the journal PLOS Climate, included the crazy idea of ​​three scientists. Scientists have proposed putting dust particles into space to protect the Earth from the scorching sun rays. If a source of these dust particles is Moon.

How did this idea come about?

The team was not actually looking for a solution to global warming. Only in the period of ‘1645-1715’Maunder MinimumThey wanted to create a scenario that would mimic the ‘ event.

The Maunder Minimum was an abnormal period in which sunspots were minimal. With the anomaly occurring in the Sun, “Little Ice Age“ had happened.

The new way they found to reproduce this scenario is It was to artificially block the sun’s rays from reaching the Earth. One of the hurdle solutions scientists found was to place lunar dust in space. Of course, how to create these powders is up to your imagination.


The best location is 1.4 million kilometers from the center of Earth’s orbit. L1 point was determined as. At this point, objects in space remained at a fixed point between the Sun and Earth’s gravity.

Of course, the implementation of these and similar scenarios in real life is exceedingly impossible today. But who knows, maybe the whole world will try to break the window in an emergency one day…


It turns out that black holes may be the source of the dark energy that drives the expansion of the universe.

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