3rd Dose of mRNA Vaccines Allowed in Europe

The European Medicines Agency has authorized the use of the third dose of BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, according to a statement made today. People with weakened immunity will be able to receive an additional dose of mRNA vaccines at times determined according to age groups.

It was recently announced that the amount of antibodies provided by the BioNTech vaccine has decreased enough to not be enough to protect from COVID-19 after a certain period of time. However, as with Sinovac, there has been debate in BioNTech as to whether a third or even fourth dose should be taken. Today it is controversial to the third dose Approved for use by the European Medicines Agency. The same decision was valid for the Moderna vaccine.

European Medicines Agency (EMA)Mentioning that the third dose can be given to people with weakened immune systems for now, some important details about age were also given. According to the explanations, the time that children and adults should spend between the second and third dose will differ.

Those with weakened immunity will be able to take the 3rd dose

Marco Cavaleri, EMA’s Head of Biological Health Therapies and Vaccine Strategy, in his press release today, has concluded one of the most discussed issues in the field of the pandemic for the last 1-2 weeks: the third dose in mRNA vaccines. In his statement, Cavaleri stated that EMA gave BioNTech and Moderna a third dose use permit. Those who experience a decrease in antibody levels and weakened immunityAccording to the decision, they will also be able to receive the third dose of the mRNA vaccines.


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Mentioning some details after the announcement of the permission granted, Cavaleri said, Children over 12 years of age can receive this additional dose at least 28 days after the second dose. expressed. People between the ages of 18-55 will have to pass 6 months after the second dose before they can receive the third dose. Thus, the public’s health will continue to be protected until vaccines are updated, perhaps.

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