20 GIFs That Will Increase Your Admiration For Science The More You Look At It

Thanks to the science on which we base our knowledge, today we have knowledge in numerous fields such as space, plant/animal kingdom, anatomy and chemistry. But many people stay away from science because of the confusion it contains. In this content, we have compiled GIFs that can spark your curiosity on this subject.

There are countless doors that science has opened to humanity in different fields. So much so that, thanks to these opportunities, today, in the past, ‘hopeless case’ Many diseases described as life on our planet new information can be obtained. Countless possibilities offered by science make a great contribution to the development of humanity over time.

However, the knowledge of different branches such as physics, biology, astronomy and these when it comes to complex most people just a boring field sees it as. If you have such an opinion in this content, we have compiled GIFs that can help you break it.

A single-celled creature named Lacrymaria olor attacks a smaller single-celled creature

The growth and development process of a fungus

Simulation of two planets colliding with each other

Debris accumulated over the years around the world

Known as the iodine clock reaction, this situation looks like black magic.

Heat resistance of different balloons according to their color

Powdered sugar doesn’t catch fire on its own, but if it’s sprayed on a fire, the event you see below will happen.

Chemical flames of different colors: (From left) potassium chloride, lead(II) nitrate, barium chloride, copper(II) sulfate, boric acid, sodium chloride (salt), strontium chloride, lithium chloride

A model that demonstrates the importance of afforestation

Image of ball bobbing in front of a concave mirror

Zoom from 1 millimeter to 500 nanometers

Rapid oxidation of a cut cork

Dissolving gallium spoon in hot water

Pendulum waves that the viewer cannot take their eyes off of

What can he do with a leverage under favorable conditions?

We think we don’t need to say don’t try it at home (Still, let’s give the recipe: Potassium Iodide + hydrogen peroxide + soap + gasoline)

What happens when pressure is applied to paper that has been folded 7 times?

Spider crab coming out of its shell

You’re looking at the ‘smallest’ movie ever made. Uncovered using single atoms and scanning tunneling microscopy

The butterfly’s wing, which changes color when it comes into contact with the liquid, returns to its original color when the liquid is gone.

Bonus #1: Eclipse seen from the plane

Bonus #2: A tested booster rocket


What Would Happen If Our Oceans Composed Of Oil Instead Of Water?

You can share your favorite GIFs in the comments section. Those that are not included in our review, but that have influenced you You can continue the content by sharing similar situations in the comments.

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