15 Thoughts That Come At Night That Short-Circuit

In this content, we have compiled the thoughts that some people come in the shower and cause us to dive deep for a short time, while others come and look at the ceiling while lying in bed.

Our planet, our bodies, our universe and countless more. limited information Most of the question marks in our minds remain unanswered because we have stalemate we are drifting In addition, these question marks that we do not encounter during the day; It appears in our minds when we are taking a shower, lying in bed or in other similar situations.

Now, those who ponder and think some of them maybe we will never be able to solve Let’s look at some of these thoughts and facts. Of course, before we move on to these, let’s mention that we created this list by browsing different communities and accounts.

Have you ever thought that plants might actually be raising us? After all, they feed us by giving oxygen, and then they happily consume us as fertilizer when we die.

We know that the day and night cycle we are accustomed to from our planet is not in space. What we call daytime is simply due to the light we receive from our giant fireball. So there’s only darkness outside…

Those who maintain air conditioners have to enter hot and stuffy environments all the time. When the maintenance is complete, the environment becomes more spacious, but they have to go. This keeps repeating.

You see black when you close both eyes, or a lighter color if you’re looking at the light. But when you close one eye, that eye sees nothing.

While naming our organs, certain terms may have been used. But when we think about it, the brain is an organ that has chosen its own name. Also, not only that, he realizes this and is surprised by this situation.

The Internet was almost completely eliminating postal service via e-mail. But as online shopping became more common, postal service became more important than before.

Within a short period of time, you will hear both ‘sex is bad’ and ‘I want grandchildren’ from your parents.

Imagine living in houses made of human skin and driving cars made of our own flesh. That’s exactly the case for LEGOs and other plastic toys.

Our planet will be much quieter when we fully switch to electric vehicles. How do you think it will affect life on our planet?

If sleep were not essential for our body, we could be working 16 to 20 hours a day.

Accidentally liking someone’s post is tantamount to pressing a twig while sneaking through the woods.

If humanity suddenly disappeared, social media channels would remain active for a while due to bots.

Somewhere right now a tree is growing that is preparing to become your coffin.

Everyone you know has different versions of you in their head.

All movies based on true stories are actually part of the same series.


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If you have thoughts like these that suddenly come to your mind and you can’t get out of them. You can share it in the comment section.

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