YouTube Music brings a new feature to Android devices

One of the biggest content platforms, YouTube continues to work on new features for YouTube Music, which focuses on the music world. Aiming to increase the experience of users, the company is preparing to offer a comprehensive feature for Android users in this direction.

New record from YouTube! It surpassed Netflix

Officials, who made a statement about YouTube’s 2021 fiscal year and targets, stated that they left Netflix behind in advertising revenue.

A more comprehensive “Downloads” era on Android

Now, on Android devices, by long pressing the YouTube Music icon, the interface of the “Downloads” shortcut is accessed. Clicking on “Search” from here will launch an automatic playlist similar to the “Offline Shuffle” list created only by “Smart Downloads”. However, this ranking will be arranged from previous downloads.

YouTube Music actually tried out a feature like this back in July. The feature, which somehow disappeared before it came to all users, came to the fore again. The “Downloads” shortcut is now active in versions 4.63 and 4.64 of YouTube Music for Android. Thus, users will be able to access the playlist they downloaded without wasting time opening the application.

YouTube Music continues to work hard to make it easy for users to create and access playlists. The platform recently introduced the “Save” feature to its users. With “Save”, users can save the music they listen to while they are actively using it as a playlist.

In addition, the platform has recently brought an update to prevent users from wasting time while creating playlists. Normally, when a user wanted to add a song to the playlist, they could first go to the playlist and add from there. With this update, a song listened to can be added to a desired list at that time.

Are you using YouTube Music? Which music app do you think is the best? Please share your views with us in the comments section.

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