Why and How Did IQ Tests Appear?

IQ, known as intelligence quotient or intelligence level, is known as the value extracted from various standardized tests to measure intelligence. So when and how did IQ tests emerge?

With various shapes or numbers, These tests, designed to detect mental skills, are very popular now. However, its purposes in the early days of its emergence were slightly different.

If you are ready A short journey into the history of IQ tests let’s do.

In 1905, two psychologists named Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon designed a test for children in France.

Which child needs individualized attention? This method, which was put into action to determine the identity, lays the foundations of the IQ test.

Additionally, researchers in the late 19th century; short-term memory, verbal reasoning, and visual-spatial abilities They hypothesize that cognitive abilities such as reflect basic intelligence.

Psychologists design and test battery tests to measure each of these abilities. It also combines the results into a single score.

Questions are tailored to each age group, and a child’s score reflects how he or she performs compared to other children of that age.


Dividing a child’s score by his age and multiplying the result by 100 gives the IQ result. Binet and Simon, The abilities measured by the test reflect general intelligence. thinker.

The test is also used to identify those who need academic help. Begins to quickly classify people in different ways. For example, the military used IQ tests to classify recruits in World War I.

In the mid-20th century, psychologists began using IQ tests other than general intelligence. In detecting depression and schizophrenia disorders also uses.

Nowadays, IQ tests use various visual designs and question types as initial tests.

However, these are no longer used to diagnose psychiatric conditions but are sometimes still It is a method used to diagnose learning disabilities.

Of course, all this does not mean that IQ tests are useless. attempted on measuring reasoning skills and problem solving skills It is quite useful. But this is still not the same as measuring a person’s potential.

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