Does Putting the Phone in Airplane Mode Prevent Radiation?

Many of us are used to activating the ‘airplane mode’ option on our mobile phones while we sleep at night. This small but effective move has been known to block radiation for years.

Putting the phone on airplane modeAlthough it may seem like an ordinary part of our daily lives, can it really have the potential to eliminate the effects of radiation?

For the same reason you If you put your phone on airplane mode while sleeping keep reading.

Phones have become an integral part of our lives with the comfort and communication opportunities they provide.

These technological wonders spread concerns about electromagnetic radiationis increasing, especially when phones are located close to our bodies.

Some of these concerns arise from many people’s concerns about the phone’s in airplane mode It seems that it can be alleviated by using

airplane mode, Wireless communication features of phones A feature that disables it. While in this mode, all wireless signals such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and mobile data connection are turned off. Therefore, phones will of course emit minimal radiation.

Radiation concerns are often addressed through SAR (specific absorption rate) values, which are used to determine how much radiation mobile phones can absorb into the body.

Phones used in airplane mode SAR values ​​often decrease, because wireless communication features are disabled. Research also shows that phones in airplane mode emit a lower level of radiation than normal mode.

But we still say don’t get happy right away. Because radiation There is no basis yet to prove that he cut it definitively.

It is accepted that it reduces radiation, but unfortunately we cannot say that it eliminates it.


Maybe even turning off your phone might be a better solution, since only wireless features are disabled when the phone is in airplane mode; Other features are still available. Because We cannot talk about radiation completely disappearing.

you too If you want to reduce your anxiety a little, Your best option will still be airplane mode, of course.

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