Yandex Updated its Artificial Intelligence Model YandexART

Yandex announced that it has updated its artificial intelligence model YandexART. The version called YandexART 1.3 enables the tool to better understand texts and create more realistic images.

tech giant yandex is among the companies making moves in artificial intelligence. The company, which is popular with its services in Turkey, is today a productive artificial intelligence tool. YandexArt He made an important announcement about.

The company is developing an improved version of its artificial neural network that transforms text into images and animations. YandexART 1.3 officially announced. It was stated that the version is equipped with improved technologies that produce images through latent diffusion.

Can better understand text commands and create more realistic images

The image dataset used to train the model, according to Yandex 2.5 times increased. All these developments include text commands of the YandexART model. better understanding and more realistic images in different formats enables it to create .

The updated model allows users to 16:9, 4:3 and 3:4dIt allows the creation of images in various formats, including and enables the use of these images in media such as magazine covers and television. In addition, the new version, the evaluations 57% from Midjourney V5.2 And In 63% of cases, the previous version is YandexART 1.2. It is also stated that it performs better.

In order for the model to better understand user requests, Yandex also added detailed image descriptions, known as synthetic texts and created by the neural network, to the training data set. This dataset is said to have been expanded to include more than 850 million image-text pairs. It is also among the information that two text encoders were included so that the model takes more details into account.


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The new version of YandexART is available all over the world. It can also be used from Turkey. Those who want to reach link here They can experience it from the Shedevrum application, which they can access by clicking.

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