Why Do We Need to Eat Something While Watching Something?

Even when you think of watching something, you automatically think of what you can eat with it. In fact, today we have all become people whom we define as “iPad kids”, who cannot stop watching videos while eating something. So what’s the reason for this?

Think about those times when you dreamed of going home from a busy school or work day. Probably dreaming of lying in front of the television and watching something Besides, your food is also in your dreams.

A meal you like, popcorn, chips, nuts, chocolate, drinks… It’s all in that frame. Really, why? eating something while watching something Why does it give us so much pleasure?

There is a proven relationship between eating while watching something.

There is no ultimate reason for this behavior. The first reason is habit. As humans, we are programmed to snack while watching. Now two different actions have become a combination with each other.

You can think of it as listening to music while cleaning. Who among us can think of cleaning without a song or podcast playing in the background? Here’s how to eat something while watching movies, TV series or videos. to such a condition transformed.

Coping with emotions also plays a role.

It is an undeniable fact that we try to cope with our emotions by eating or drinking something. This situation even occurs in some people to eating disorder It’s as serious as it gets. According to dietitian Jacyln London, we can immediately cling to food in the face of negative emotions because we secrete the happiness hormone when eating something we love.

While watching something, we may experience fluctuations in emotions. Think of the TV series Breaking Bad. Excitement, fear, happiness, stress, hope… It was all there. Here is London We try to suppress these emotions by eating instead of making ourselves feel them. says.

We are not looking for simple happiness, we are looking for perfection.

Nutritional Therapist Alissa Rumsey says that her clients who look forward to eating something while watching TV in the evening do this. relax and turn off their brains He says he did it because they wanted to.

The reason for this is more than just simple happiness. to a perfect level of happiness they want to access. Since we release dopamine both while eating and watching something, we can say that when the two combine, we achieve perfect happiness.

Our attention span also has an impact.

Now that almost all of us have a lower attention span than a goldfish, we cannot focus on a single task. We cannot sit down and watch a movie carefully from start to finish. Our hands after a while to the phone or something else. going.

Therefore, eating provides a kind of multi-task function, and while watching something another stimulus with which we can occupy ourselves It’s still happening.

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