Worrying Prediction from Master Analyst: Bitcoin Is Going to New Lows!

Critical Bitcoin comment from Bluntz

The crypto analyst nicknamed Bluntz stated in his current analysis that Bitcoin may have formed bear market highs. He pointed out that Bitcoin entered a possible bear trend after failing to break the $ 27,000 resistance last week.

According to the analyst, Bitcoin is currently in an ABC correction movement. This move could push Bitcoin’s price to a six-month low of $23,800. “For me, the structure doesn’t look right because the bottom hasn’t formed yet,” Bluntz said. “First, the $24,800 levels must be surpassed definitively,” he said.

The Bitcoin analyst writes in some of his latest analysis:

Today, the potential low high (LH) in Bitcoin is determined today. I don’t think the “bottom” exists yet because the structure doesn’t look right yet for me, I think the 24.8K bottom needs to be convincingly eliminated first and the price action over the last 39 days is potentially part of a larger move. side correction. They have some appearance in the game, but for now they mostly sit in barns and on the sidelines.

Bluntz’s investment strategy

Bluntz says he is monitoring market movements carefully, keeping the majority of his investment portfolio in stablecoins. He stated that he is currently taking a more cautious approach on the Bitcoin side. The analyst follows the proprietary Elliott Wave Theory, which is widely accepted for predicting price movements. According to this theory, an asset in a bull market trend will experience an ABC correction before resuming its trend.

Observations on tech stocks

Another area Bluntz is watching is the stocks of big technology companies. He closely follows the stocks of major technology giants such as Microsoft (MSFT), Apple (AAPL) and Nvidia (NVDA). According to the analyst, a potential bear reversal signal has emerged on the quarterly charts of these companies. According to details:

Quarters close in a week and there are absolutely terrible quarterly candles on mega caps right now and [düşüş yönlü farklılıklar] is formed.

Such analyzes and predictions can help investors understand market movements and shape their strategies accordingly. However, as always, you should do your own research and seek expert advice when making investment decisions regarding Bitcoin. cryptokoin.com In this article, we have included the critical dates that Bitcoin investors should follow next week.

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