Windows update made disks unusable

Errors caused by Microsoft’s Windows updates do not stop. Finally, when Windows 11 computers are reset using the “Remove everything” option, user files still standing in place when they should be deleted appeared and this error was fixed with the update released recently.

Now another problem has been identified that affects all Windows 10 editions and Windows 11.

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Windows recovery discs not working

According to information shared on Microsoft’s support page, no computer running a Windows update released after January 11, 2022 can be found in Control Panel. Backup and Restore (Windows 7) will not be able to use a recovery disc created using the tool. Well what does it mean?

Using the Backup and Restore (Windows 7) application, you can back up your system’s image to a physical disk such as CD or DVD. When your computer crashes, you can easily recover the system thanks to this disk. Thus, the crashed computer can be fixed without the need to format it.

windows 11 ad

According to Microsoft’s statement, if a Windows update released on or after January 11, 2022, is installed on your computer, you will not be able to use the recovery discs. This means that if your computer crashes, your job will become very difficult. Windows versions affected by the issue:

  • Windows 10 Version 1607
  • Windows 10 Version 1809
  • Windows 10 Version 1909
  • Windows 10 Version 20H2
  • Windows 10 Version 21H1
  • Windows 10 Version 21H2
  • Windows 11

Fix is ​​on its way

Microsoft stated in its statement on the subject that they are aware of the error and are working to fix it. Emphasizing that they will solve the problem by issuing an update as soon as possible, the technology giant stated that the recovery discs work smoothly on computers with a Windows update released before January 11, 2022.

So, have you ever had this problem? You can share your experiences in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

source site-32