Windows 12 concept shook social media

Microsoft unveiled Windows 11 about two years ago and is trying to integrate users into this operating system. Presented as the most significant upgrade ever Windows 11, received mixed reviews by users. Against this situation, users made studies showing how Windows 12 should be. Here it is dazzling with its dark mode Windows 12 concept.

What will Windows 12 be like?

Expectations for Microsoft’s next-generation operating system are rising. Concept designers, who put forward their own ideas on this subject, discuss the improvements and new features that will be offered in Windows 12. Finally, the video prepared by a YouTuber revealed Windows 12.

The concept video retains the rounded corner design introduced in Windows 11. Redesigned with Windows 11 start menu And to the widget board draws attention. Instead of the current “Recommended content” in the Start menu, there is a “Recent items” section and offers users a more practical experience.

Microsoft accidentally shared the Windows 12 interface

Microsoft accidentally shared the Windows 12 interface

Microsoft accidentally shared the Windows 12 interface at the Ignite 2022 event! Here’s what’s new in the interface…

The widget panel is similar to the tiles in Windows 10. He emphasizes that Windows 12 should provide the ability to freely rearrange widgets for personalized customization. Also, the transitions between light and dark themes are quite stylish.

Alongside the start menu and widget panel, it showcases various features expected to be introduced with Windows 12. File Explorer, Tabbed Notepad and Microsoft Store continue the lines of Windows 11 and Windows 10.

Microsoft shared the Windows 12 interface at the Ignite 2022 event it held a while ago. In the new design, the taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen. System icons appear in the upper-right corner and weather in the upper-left corner.

What do you readers think about this? You can express your views in the Comments section.

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