Will PlayStation 5 Pro not be released?

Sony has been PlayStation 5 Pro We hear claims that it has developed It was even stated that the console will have important gains such as high-end technical features and 8K resolution support. However, developers started to react to this console.

Some game developers to PlayStation 5 Pro He claims there is no need. Developers believe that PlayStation 5, which was first released in 2020, still has optimization problems, and they think that the current generation is not yet on track.

This statement from the developers contradicts the announcement expectations of PS5 Pro. It was said that this model would offer a significant increase in ray-tracing and processing performance compared to the PS5. However, developers stated that games still have difficulty reaching 60 FPS on PS5. This created a big breakthrough for the PS5 family.

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Some users think that Sony should make the most of the PS5’s capabilities before offering a revised model. While backwards compatibility will be maintained, it may be difficult to play major games on PS5 with the Pro version.

Allegedly PS5 Pro, 33.5 teraflops It comes with a processor power. This triples the standard PS5’s 10.3 teraflops of power and the Xbox Series X’s 12 teraflops. High processing power will enable games to offer a much smoother gaming experience with more complex graphics and faster loading times.

In addition, PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution technology supports 8K content, achieving an image quality that will revolutionize game graphics. Additionally, the PS5 Pro will have a removable disk drive and 1TB of storage.

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