Why Is The Rainbow Origin Rarely Visible?

How many of us have seen the end of the rainbow that we eagerly await after every rain? Let’s see what we need to do to see why, according to a legend, the end of the rainbow with gold at the end is so rare.

Briefly for the rainbow By the refraction of the sun’s rays We can say that it is a meteorological event that occurs in nature and is one of the most eye-catching events in nature and consists of seven colors. Rainbow; In Siberia, the “tongue of the Sun” is a symbol of hope and luck in Western culture. According to Iranian mythology, if the color red is dominant, it means “war”, if the color is green, it means “happiness”, and if the color is yellow, it means “unhappiness”.

Well, which has influenced many cultures; containing the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue and purple, and rain post- to the sky How does this natural phenomenon that makes you look with hope occur?

How is a rainbow, a symbol of hope and luck, formed?

Light rays enter and exit water droplets once. to break (they may reflect several times while in the drops). When the rays reflect once before exiting the drops, rainbows are formed in which the colors are ordered from outside to inside as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue and purple.

When the rays are reflected twice, the order of the colors is reversed. rays of light Rainbows can also occur when reflected twice or more. But rainbows formed this way are usually very pale.

Also, another important element is that the Sun is approximately above the horizon in order to see the rainbow. from 40 degrees It shouldn’t be too high.

When can we see the rainbow?

arc-shaped light spectrums, It can be seen after rain in the morning and evening hours or when it rains in the afternoon.

The most important factors in the appearance of the rainbow are the sun’s rays and your rain We must not forget that it should be

The first thing to do in order to see the rainbow clearly, back of the sun is to be taken. After the sun is back, look ahead and enjoy the view.

how is a rainbow formed

Apart from sun rays and rain, the most important factor is the sun’s in the sky. is the stance angle. Because at some angles the rainbow is not visible. The required angle should be about 40 degrees, as we mentioned above. If it is above 40 degrees, the rainbow will not appear.

Although the most common case of rainbows is the primary one, they can sometimes be seen in more than one at the same time. double rainbow In this case, which is called a rainbow, we almost always see a single rainbow in the sky when the necessary angle for the formation of the rainbow is provided.

However, sometimes under certain weather conditions, the light reflected from that angle is scattered, scattered again, and reaches our eyes again from another suitable angle. In this case, 2 images of the same rainbow are formed. This “double rainbow” is named. Technically there is 1 rainbow, but 2 copies of that rainbow appear in the sky.

double rainbow

Can we pass under the rainbow?


Some of us surely remember the scene in Müjde Ar’s movie Köçek, where she passes under the rainbow and changes gender. Those who can’t remember can take a look and laugh a little. Just like in this movie of the rainbow Unfortunately, it’s impossible to pass under.

That we can see the rainbow is because of the sun and water droplets It depends on them being in the right position in our opinion. If we move towards the rainbow, its position relative to us will remain the same. So as we move, it will progress and it will be impossible for us to reach it. However, this does not prevent us from seeing another person pass under the rainbow, even if he cannot see it himself.

Where, according to legend, is the end of the rainbow with a bowl of gold underneath?

In fact, the rainbow has no end or beginning. Rainbows viewed from the earth’s surface a half circle appears in the format. However, when you look from the top of a high mountain or from the inside of a high-flying airplane, you can see rainbows in a full circle.


Usually we see less than half a circle because hills and buildings They narrow our field of vision. In order to see more than half of it and witness this incredible natural phenomenon, you have to go to the top of the mountain or be on a plane.


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