Why Is Bill Gates Buying So Much Farmland?

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, stepped into the health sector after his revolution in the technology world. But what is the purpose of Gates’ next stop, farmland purchases?

Bill Gates has a net worth of $99.8 billion, according to Forbes. conspiracy theorists He was shown as the devil during the pandemic period.

Because of the lands he owns, people this time call Bill Gates. territorial domination started hitting him. So why did Gates buy so much land?

Bill Gates owns a lot of farmland, but how big is it?

Bill Gates, one of the world’s leading billionaires, has bought farmland in the USA and many countries around our planet. taking a step towards the future.

This step was done by the conspirators. invasion of the planet even if it is shown as the truth of the matter is not so.

First of all, Bill Gates owns only 0.03% of US farmland.

Bill Gates

According to the report published by Land Report in 2021; Bill Gates 242,000 acres of agricultural land appears to be the owner.

Considering that there are 895.3 million acres of agricultural land in America, it is actually owned by Bill Gates. agricultural land We see that the rate is very low. In other words, Bill Gates cannot cause an agricultural chaos with the land he owns.

The world is not plunged into chaos by one person’s plots.


On social media, people think that they are revealing secret formations by seeing themselves as superior to other people. Therefore, a claim made by one person can be accepted as true by large masses.

There are hundreds of countries in the world. These countries have their own systems and control bodies. In other words, a single person, with the amount of land he owns, cannot cause a change of powers anywhere.

Why does Bill Gates choose to invest millions of dollars in farmland?


Bill Gates as one of the most reliable investment tools He sees farmland as his own and buys land to earn more money.

Due to the preference of the investment group Saying that he bought agricultural land, Bill Gates states that he did this as a choice. The rich prefer to invest their money in different areas. Many former athletes have invested heavily in basketball and football teams after their retirement.

Bill Gates, who revolutionized the world of technology, spent his money buying farmland He is among the rich who prefer to evaluate.

Bill Gates was also the target during the pandemic period.

Bill Gates

In today’s world, people believe what they want to believe. For example, if a person wishes to think that our planet is flat, they would choose to believe it and can’t accept the facts.

Bill Gates, along with his investments in the health sector, was targeted by many conspirators as the culprit of the pandemic. Preferring to research instead of believing in conspiracies, protection from misinformation is the most effective way.

Sources: Agfundernews, The Guardian


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