New Smart Contact Lens Will Prevent Vision Loss

A newly developed smart contact lens holds great promise for preventing vision loss due to glaucoma.

A new smart lens is poised to revolutionize the early diagnosis of irreversible vision disorders. This innovative contact lens monitors eye pressure wirelessly in real time. This type of health monitoring system is of great importance for diseases such as glaucoma. worldwide 80 million people He has a glaucoma problem.

Glaucoma, which can cause permanent visual impairment early diagnosis and treatment It is known as a disease that causes serious problems. The system called WMCL (wireless measuring contact lens) uses a technology called inductor capacitance resistor. This technology makes it possible to monitor eye pressure instantly.

Irregular eye pressure may be a sign of problems

new contact lenses, It monitors eye pressure instantly and keeps a record of it. Thus, it can constantly warn about high or low eye pressure or irregularities in eye pressure. Such situations can indicate serious problems in eye health.

Dual LCR resonance system, inside the eye temperature changes can also follow. This development in lens technologies seems to be a promising development for monitoring eye health, early diagnosis and taking precautions against various eye diseases. This prototype developed by researchers “air blow test” It also helps eliminate the need for processes such as The lenses tested in pig eyes in laboratory tests can operate smoothly at temperatures between 10 and 49 degrees.


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