Why Don’t Airplane Tires Explode When Landing at 275 km/h?

Imagine a vehicle with tons of load on it, its tires hitting the asphalt at a speed of 275 km per hour, and almost no explosion occurs. How is such a thing possible?

On the highway, we can see a shredded car tire, but on the runway, we cannot see a shredded airplane tire. Airplanes that weigh almost as much as a building, Even if it suddenly lands while traveling at such high speeds, its tires will almost never burst.

No Enough to land on the ground 500 times before needing regeneration Let’s take a look at the reasons that make it almost impossible for durable airplane tires to burst.

Some features of aircraft tires:

  • A typical aircraft is approximately 20 wheels has.
  • As the size of the aircraft increases, the amount of tires also increases.
  • Without re-coating, 500 times It can land on the runway and not be damaged or explode.
  • They are made of rubber.
  • There are safety accessories.

One of the reasons why airplane tires do not burst is that they are inflated with nitrogen gas.

tire inflation

Since nitrogen (nitrogen gas) is a more durable substance than oxygen, It can withstand high heat and pressure. That’s why tires are always inflated with nitrogen gas. Additionally, there are safety accessory parts and thermal plugs on the aircraft rim that can be activated even at 300 degrees.

These plugs activate at high temperatures and reduce the nitrogen pressure inside the tire by releasing it to the outside. This is the situation where planes While on the track, your tires may burst due to high temperatures. or prevents it from breaking down.

Air pressure is maximized to increase the durability of the tires.

Why don't airplane tires burst?

High-quality rubber tires are generally inflated to 200 PSI (a measurement that indicates the air pressure value in the tires). We can also say that when we compare it with a car tire, 6 times It coincides. In fact, the tires of F-16 fighter jets can be pumped up to 320 PSI.

The shape of the tires is specially designed to prevent damage.

The majority of tire wear occurs when the tires meet the runway because as soon as planes land, their tires they don’t start spinning, they slide. They continue to slide until the speed of rotation of the wheels becomes equal to the speed of the plane.

That’s why tires with corrugated shapes are used instead of block patterns that are prone to breaking apart easily. Also buried under the tread nylon cords and a synthetic polymer called aramid Thanks to this, their power increases. These reinforcements are the reason why smoke comes out of the tires of planes sliding on the runway.

There is no rule that says airplane tires never burst.


Aircraft tires are quite resistant to excess weight and high pressures; We understood this. Yes, a standard airplane tire, A load of nearly 40 tons It can be carried without any problems. However, the durability of tires is not the only factor in preventing flats. Although an explosion almost never occurs, such a possibility exists.

To avoid flat tires, it is necessary to ensure that the tires are undamaged at all times and the inflation rates must be adjusted correctly. If the tire is damaged or if inflated incorrectly It may explode.

However, contrary to popular belief, this explosion does not pose a danger Because when a tire bursts, there are other tires to replace it immediately. For example, a Boeing 777 has 14 tires, an Airbus A380 has 22, and an Antonov AN-225 has 32 tires.

For all these reasons airplane tires burst, It is nothing to fear or worry about and it almost never happens.

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