Big Brands That Changed Their Names

We know many brands with their unique names. So, have these brands been using the same name since the first moment they emerged? In this content, we will examine the brands that have changed their names.

The name of a brand is the identity of that brand most basic building block. In fact, we can say that choosing a name is one of the most important stages in the branding adventure.

Sometimes brands may choose to change their names for various reasons. “Rebranding” As a result of this process, brands that make big or small changes in their names can decide to continue their commercial life under a different name with this bold decision.

The channel we know as “Fox” changed its name to “Now” due to naming rights.

“Sodexo”, the loyal friend of white-collar workers, now uses the name “Pluxee”.


The brand explains the meaning of the new name as follows; “Plux” symbolizes positivity, “x” symbolizes creating added value for employees, and the “ee” suffix symbolizes the English word “employee” (employee).

AtlasJet also chose to use the name “Atlasglobal” before going bankrupt. What can we say? It must have been bad luck…


AnadoluJet, another airline company, now uses the name “AJet”.


AJet, a brand owned by Turkish Airlines, low cost airline He states that he changed his name to better reflect his image.

In addition, in the global market short and memorable It was also stated that they aimed to make a better place with a name.

Hürriyet Emlak also changed its name to “Hepsi Emlak”.

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This platform, which we know as Hürriyet Emlak, also younger and dynamic He states that he changed his name to capture an image.

The biscuit we know as “Negro” also changed its name to “Nero” because it had a racist meaning.


In a decision that brought tears to our eyes, the name “Twitter” was changed to “X”.


The stores we know under the name “Boyner” used to use the name “Çarşı”.


After the merger with the Spanish bank BBVA, the name “Garanti” was changed to “Garanti BBVA”.


Similarly, Finansbank changed its name to “QNB Finansbank” after the merger.


In this content, throughout their commercial life not stuck to a single name We have compiled the brands that are.

Do you think the changes they made were for the better or for the worse?

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