Why Do We Play Single or Multiplayer Games?

We can say that everyone who plays games has their own unique playing style. These games, which we choose according to our tastes, preferences and pleasure, can have a different meaning for each player. Let’s take a look at why some players only play single or multiplayer games.

The games we play for many reasons, including getting rid of the tiredness of the day, having fun and distracting ourselves, are actually on us. can make a big impact. This activity, which we love to do, can have different meanings depending on our preferences.

Why do some players single or multiplayer only We will take a detailed look at what he prefers games and what his motivations are behind it. So, let’s move on to our article.

Why do we play single player games?

We love sailing on new adventures, discovering worlds and experiencing stories, and we want to experience it by living it.

We all watch movies and TV series and read books. While doing these activities, many of us can connect to the main character in the movie they watch or the book they read, and during this action they feel like that character. Think of a character you love very much. Have you ever put yourself in his shoes? Here are the games we just mentioned the best of this feeling one of the elements.

Such activities take us to distant worlds and enable us to step into new adventures. In games, these adventures we become ourselves and we live each one of them one by one. We discover a new world, get to know the characters and enjoy wonderful adventures away from the tiring of real life.

In fact, even if you are not aware of it, a player’s main motivation for choosing single player games is ”will experience that life through the eyes of your character‘ is that. What we mean by single player games here, of course, are story games. If you paid attention while playing the game; In a game that has a first-person perspective, that is, we see the game directly from the eyes of the character we are directing, we are not connected to our main character, but to ourselves.

We experience every adventure we experience from our own eyes, we code ourselves as if we were that character during the game, and we take action accordingly. Although we can have this experience very well in a story game with a third-person perspective, in which we see the character we are directing, we are attached to our main character and not to ourselves. we are enjoying his adventure.

We do not have time for multiplayer games, and we are in constant contact with people.

The biggest reason why some people don’t prefer multiplayer games is their already limited time however, they can separate them into single-player games. You came home from work tired, you have limited time before dinner. Do you prefer to play a multiplayer game during this time, or a single player game that you can save and close at any time? As you can see, the concept of time is one of these factors.

Leaving the business case and time constraint aside, multiplayer online games in general it takes a lot of time and it’s obvious that some people don’t want to spend that time on online games.

Another important reason why multiplayer games are not preferred is that in the vast majority of the need to be in constant contact with people. The games we play to relieve stress, have fun and enjoy can become poison due to a teammate who is rude or intentionally weakens the team.

However, it is written in detail with thousands of texts. computer game characters It can be much more enjoyable to have a dialogue with him. We can say that this is the primary choice of people who do not want to interact with people in games. Of course, when we say single-player game experience, it is useful not to include only games with stories. During your limited time, we can also count FIFA as a hand that you play against artificial intelligence.

People prefer to play single player games to have a pleasant time when they go to their hometowns or places without internet for a long time.

We’ve all traveled to a place where there is no internet. With us during this time our laptop If there is one and we have downloaded a few single-player games in it, at least we can have a fun time in our spare time.

Today, although the internet has become much more accessible, it is still We can encounter such situations.. In addition, we can say that people who prefer multiplayer games in general tend to play single-player games at such times.

Why do we play multiplayer games?

It can be said that we are looking for a game environment where we can interact socially as well as fighting against real people, not artificial intelligence.

One of the biggest reasons why multiplayer games are preferred rivalry It would not be wrong to say that it is. Especially in competitive games with a league system, knowing that your enemies are made up of real people like you adds a different flavor to the game and increases the contention.

Of course what you can do in multiplayer games not limited to these. You can also fight against artificial intelligence enemies as a team with your teammates, or you can directly enjoy different game modes where everyone will fight against each other.

Online productions also offer the opportunity to socialize, unlike single-player games. So much so that if we leave aside the violent games that are dominated by war or combat; Like Growtopia, Virtual and MovieStarPlanet the concept of socialization We can count many multiplayer games.

In stark contrast to players who love single-player productions, artificial intelligence characters can’t shoot and play games. who don’t like to feel alone players also turn to multiplayer games. Online games can become much more enjoyable, especially when you play with your friends. There are also many story games that you can play as “co-op” with your friends.

It is almost a new life where we can hang out with other people, including our own game character.

The role-playing experience is also an important part of many online games. Although the element we call role-playing offers us hundreds of hours of impressive adventures in huge universes, especially in single-player “role-playing games”. We’re not talking about that kind of role-playing experience..

Experiencing this role-playing experience rather than experiencing the order established in a virtual world. to share with other people And we’re talking about moving on together. It is not difficult at all to step into an environment consisting of hundreds of people, where you will share many adventures together during the game, while talking about friendship, trade and entertainment.

We need a constant game that we can play every day without getting bored and have fun.

You can even name your journey to the high leagues in League of Legends like this, from the robberies made with friends every day in GTA Online. Many online games handle the concept of continuity very well and they always a purpose This is not a false argument at all, considering what they managed to present.

Especially if you can spare time for yourself and your hobbies during the day, you are having a lot of fun in multiplayer games. Not a finished game having fun over the yearsIt is entirely up to you to choose a game where you can improve your account. So what kind of games do you play?

BONUS: Can we say that those who play both of them are looking at the screen like this right now?


Why Do We Enjoy Video Games Less As We Get Older?

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