Why Do Crusted Wounds Itch?

Our body works with all its might to repair and heal that area, regardless of whether it is a small scratch or a deep wound. However, during this healing process, we are haunted by itching, which is annoying and difficult to understand.

A voice inside tells us that we shouldn’t scratch that area. We say it and try to avoid this action by directing our attention to other things, but we are usually not very successful.

Well, holding on Why do healing wounds itch?

Every square centimeter of our skin, so to speak, is connected to nerves that provide our sensitivity to external stimuli, and there are many nerve fibers in our body.

These fibers connect to our central nervous system at a certain point on the skin to get a response from the body. an irritation has occurred informs.

When our body receives an injury, the injured area New cells form at the edges and these cells move towards the center of the wound and connect with other cells. When this connection occurs, the cells contract and the wound is repaired.

The migration of cells to the center of the wound and their subsequent connection with other cells also mechanical stress in these areas it causes. Thus, neurons that detect itch are activated and the desire to scratch the wound increases.

On the other hand, cells secrete a series of chemical messengers to create a favorable environment for wound healing.

Many of these chemicals and the cells that produce them are associated with itchy sores. Also, a wound that insists on itching, It is a sign that the area is healing. but this is a false alarm.

Because the purpose of itching is actually a warning. This means that any harmful creature is crawling on us or that an allergic reaction has been triggered may indicate. In this case, scratching can save our lives.

Vigorous scratching of a wound causes the newly formed tissue to be scraped and disturbs the cells in the deeper layers of the skin.

Thus, the healthy skin around the wound receives unexpected damage. Unfortunately, all of these increase the risk of infection and Thus, the healing time of the wound is extended. Afterwards, scars that you carry on your body for months and years become inevitable.


It is also known that itch nerves travel to the spinal cord, where most of the itch perception occurs, but how the brain identifies the itch and manages to resolve and respond It is among the questions that are still unanswered.

In summary, it is a good sign that our wounds itch while they are healing and that our body is mechanical and chemical processes indicates that it is working properly. However, excessive scratching of the itchy area may invite unexpected reactions.

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