Why Can’t We Run, Shout and Punch While Dreaming?

REM sleep, one of the states we enter while we sleep, is when we dream. Sometimes, the reflection of our subconscious that we are exposed to while in REM sleep can make us look weaker than we are in real life and we cannot perform the actions we wish. So why?

Dreams is a very interesting topic to talk about; wherever you take it. On a subject that is not as interesting as phrases, but as strange as they are, that every person must experience at least once. Today we will talk about a phenomenon.

In your dreams; when you’ve been chased, tried to beat someone, or tried to scream until you’re out of breath, but that your legs are like pasta because you can’t run, that your arms are like jelly because you can’t punch and open your mouth all the way you can’t scream the air you fill your lungs there are moments, here’s why they happen?

First, let’s talk about the explanations about the reasons for the problems of ‘not being able to punch’ and ‘running’ in dreams, which are related to our muscles;

  • The first description describes the physical cause of the incident:
    • We can’t punch while dreaming because our bodies are temporarily paralyzed during REM sleep so we don’t hurt ourselves.
  • The second explanation is a little more psychological:
    • We can’t punch in a dream because our subconscious is holding us back. Since most of the threats we encounter in our dreams are reflections of real life problems, we do not have enough confidence to take them down. In other words, we cannot overcome the physical threats that we cannot overcome in real life, either in dreams.

A person’s physical condition is how he moves in real life and therefore it also affects how you punch. When a person is going to punch, a request is sent from the brain and the arm is moved with sensory feedback from the nerves of the arm muscles. However without a physical stimulus (i.e. like in a dream), the brain can’t measure how hard to throw a punch.

When we punch, our brain calculates the weight of our arm, the muscle strength we have, and the softness of the opponent the punch will touch. Without this physical data, i.e. in REM sleep While partially paralyzed, our brain can only guess at the punch we’re about to throw.

the part of the brain that regulates sensory output Thalamusrestricts the transmission of the motor signals required to complete the fist movement, as well as the perception of joint movement data. That’s why too When we are in a dream, we feel like our arms are jelly.

There is a similar situation in the reason why we cannot run fast in a dream.

Just like throwing a punch, our brain sends a prompt to our leg muscles when running in real life, and the leg muscles provide sensory feedback. Likewise, the brain calculates the strength of your leg muscles and the hardness of the ground your feet touch. Calculates how far forward your legs will be thrown.

However, because we are partially paralyzed in the dream state, i.e. REM sleep, we are unable to visualize physical data, similar to the inability to punch. our brain makes a guess and therefore can’t get stable results. So our legs are it feels like long boiled pasta.

We will consider not being able to shout in a dream separately; because this action is controlled by a different part of the brain. But again, there are two kinds of explanations:

  • Physical description:
    • During REM sleep, the areas of our brain that control speech have very low activity. For this reason, we cannot shout or form proper sentences even if we want to.
  • psychological explanation:
    • Due to the fact that the situations we live in suppress us, and therefore we cannot express ourselves correctly, our subconscious also causes us to not be able to speak properly in our dreams, to discharge our nerves by shouting, and to be unable to express ourselves.

We mentioned that we are in REM sleep while dreaming. Of course, our brain is still active in this state, but some areas of the brain are works much less than others. Two of these underemployed regions are Broca and Wernicke called fields.

These two brain regions are our controls our speaking and reading abilities. Therefore, while we are dreaming, we cannot form a sentence properly while talking to the person in front of us. can’t shout and reading a document We cannot choose letters.

We have briefly given the psychological causes of these situations above, of course we did not give them in vain:

We have given physical explanations for the causes of these conditions, but these are not insurmountable problems. The solution is to make these moves not being able to lies in its psychological cause.

The answers to such questions a forum where people discuss A person on Quora, who is the first person, describes the situation of ‘not being able to throw a fist in a dream’:

“One day, I had to punch the threat in front of me in my dream, but I couldn’t shake my hand against my opponent and this situation made me insecure. Then I signed up for a boxing class and really learned how to throw a punch. After a while I was faced with a similar threat in my dream and this time I had confidence as I knew how to punch and had a solid hook.”

Another platform where people discuss the answers to these kinds of questions. on Reddit One person describes how he overcame the state of ‘not being able to shout in a dream’:

“At a certain time when I was subjected to a series of nightmares, all my enemies and obstacles were falling on me in my dreams. I just couldn’t scream and call for help. In real life, I was not a person who had the ability to express myself very much.

Now these dreams really started to tire me and I started to get psychological support. My doctor suggested that I solve them by talking to my obstacles that are causing me problems. Indeed, I did, I began to express myself. I was feeling much better. I was now able to scream and ask for help in a similar nightmare I had long after.”

Actually, what happened to this friend, ‘lucid dreaming’that is, it slips into the ‘lucid dream’ event.

‘ in Englishlucid dreamingreferred to as ‘our ‘clear dream’ The situation we call, in its most basic form, is compared to normal in the dreams that people see in their sleep. It’s called having more awareness.

Normally, they are not conscious during REM sleep, but during a lucid dream, people become conscious. Therefore, they gain the ability to control what happens in your dream. According to the data About 55% of people have experienced lucid dreaming at least once in their lives.


What Happens in Our Brains When We Dream? There Are So Many Things That Happen Without Us Knowing…

As a result; The people who told the events had a higher awareness in their dreams because they found a way to overcome the obstacles they were stuck in their dreams.

Someone was able to become conscious in his dream and perform this action because he learned to swing his fist, and someone was able to develop his communication skills and be able to talk to people he was afraid to speak with, and could perform this action in his dream. It should not be considered as a generalization.

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