Why are we shorter in the evening than during the day?

Our body is full of surprises that it hides from us. Even though we don’t realize it, many interesting changes occur sometimes within hours, sometimes days, sometimes months. One of them is that we are taller during the day than in the evening. How Does?

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the human body is fascinating. Millions of cells work for something every day. in our body even within hours There are many changes happening.

Yes, our weight may change slightly during the day, but not at all. Our height may change Could you think of it? We will explain scientifically how such a thing is possible.

Why do we feel taller when we wake up in the morning than in the evening?

When we stand upright during the day, gravity compresses the discs in our spine and causes them to collapse. flattens and loses a very small amount of height why is this happening. This pressure gradually increases as you move and bear weight.

In other words, gravity acting on the body while doing daily activities such as standing, walking, sitting; It compresses the spine and flattens the space between the vertebrae. It pushes water out of the spinal discs. Thus, we can lose up to 1 cm in length.

So what happens when we sleep?


When we sleep horizontally in a gravity-free position, the discs regain water, cartilages return to their previous state. Therefore, when we wake up, we can be a little taller.

We can even say that our minimum height is in the evenings and our maximum height is in the mornings. Of course this length between half a centimeter and 1 centimeter Since it changes, there is not much of a visible difference. Additionally, this condition is more common in young people because there is more fluid in the spinal discs. As we get older, the discs lose their elasticity because they are not moistened as much.

Let’s even link it to the astronauts and give another interesting information.

The height of astronauts in space is due to the non-gravity environment. slightly taller than their height on earth is happening. When they are born again, their spines return to their previous state and they gradually reach their normal length.

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