Why Are Far Easterners Smarter?

Far Easterners are known as the smartest people almost everywhere in the world. This situation, which many people confirm, can naturally make people wonder.

When we look at Far Eastern cinemas and society such as South Korea, Japan or China, generally the people there you work very hard, We have seen that they are remembered as disciplined and intelligent all over the world. Sometimes he overdoes his work and that they fainted from fatigue The Far Eastern people we see are the envy of many countries.

Well, this success of their work has made them famous all over the world. “the smartest” Did it make it known as the name or are there genetic factors involved?

The image of the “smart Asian” is divided into two different versions: The first describes an obsessive individual who works all the time; the second depicts someone who is a natural genius and does not need to study.

In fact, behind the academic success of Asians There is no genetic evidence In fact, cultural factors are thought to be more decisive. Confucianism philosophy; It is a way of thinking that is especially effective in Asian countries such as China, Japan and Korea. This system of thought for the good of the family or society It advises the individual to give up personal interests.

Traditionally, training has involved a highly stressful and competitive process and just like in our country working in government institutions and achieving financial success in the Far East the most prestigious one of the important symbols is one. The students we see working very hard, especially in movies and TV series, truly describe the education system of the Far East.

We can say that there is also an immigration factor behind why Far Easterners are known as such intelligent people. But how?

Asian American immigration

Especially to big countries like the USA Immigrating Asians never give up their hard work and habits, even if they change countries. Well from the moment you were born Would you stop doing something you were doing if you changed country? You don’t think so, do you? The answer to this question also applies to Asians.

In the US education system in general students are more comfortable We can see it on social media or by looking at the social structure. We can say that Asians, known for their hard work, stand out from the general US student body. Naturally, considering that many Asian immigrants do this, this is generally “clever Asian” perception can also become a topic that people think about in common.

Considering that many people do not know the difference between the concepts of smart and intelligent, it is not surprising that this idea arises.

Young Asian girl is studying, sad

The concept of smart is more diligence While walking through it, the concept of intelligent genetic factors It is known through. Asian families’ thoughts about education are actually not much different from our family’s thoughts, but their The thought system is much harsher. We mentioned it before; Families who want their children to achieve good places can often put pressure on them.

This situation is evident in the Asian cinema industry. critically appears frequently. If you are more or less familiar with Asian cinema, you will understand what we mean. family and social relationships at the expense of spoiling Unfortunately, students who are exposed to tight pressure have no choice but to study. Also The crowdedness of Far Eastern countries If we think about it, they may need to come forward after all those people.

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As a matter of fact, their efforts bear fruit at the end of the day. It is not known how family and social life relations improved later, but today Behind the big companies It is known to everyone that there is definitely one Asian person.

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