Why Are Cinema and Theater Seats Red?

It’s something we come across all the time, but you’ve probably never questioned before. Have you ever wondered why the seats in movie theaters and the curtains in theaters are red? Probably not, but now that we’re talking about it, you’re wondering…

It is believed that there are two main reasons why it is red: the first with the history of the opera a relevant customary preference, the latter being scientific it’s for a reason.

Let’s start with the first. Actually theaters It is thought that opera houses played a role in the selection of this color.

center of opera art Italy, Venicein the first opera house built in red and gold colors are used.

These colors are especially red velvetrepresented the royal family. When this art began to spread to the rest of Europe, Europeans began to build these buildings. by imitating they preferred to use the same color palettes. Representing the royal family instead of just the French’s red blue It is known that he prefers color.

over the centuries decreased interest in opera entertainment industry shining stars theaters and then cinemas. They continued this tradition and addressed their audience by using the color red in their halls.

There is a scientific reason behind the fact that the color red is still used today.

Visible light-sensing cells in the retina of the human eye; rods and cones There are two types of photoreceptor cells. Cone cells perceive colors in normal light. in low light color perception work to rod cells falls.

Experiments by scientists; your sticks up to 498 nm It has been shown that it is sensitive to the wavelengths of light around it, and insensitive to wavelengths above it.

As you can see in the image below, rod cells see green best but cannot detect red light. Cones perceive all colors.

wavelength high red, in dark light conditions due to It is the first color we lose sight of.

That is, in an environment with red curtains and armchairs such as theater and cinema; When the lights are dimmed, red colors are easier to use than blue or green colors. becomes invisible. And that makes it easier for us to focus and adapt to what we’re watching. good viewing experience offers.

If so, you will have some people asking why black color is not used.

not used, less preferred let’s say. You go to a place to have fun, to feel good, to distract yourself, to socialize. In this place you depressed mood, depressed Do you want black colors that will sting? Or happiness, enthusiasm, vitality the red color that feels right? Those who run these halls also prefer to use the color red because they know these psychological effects of colors.

For the scientific reason we mentioned above, the color red is a advantage there is more. Red color; cells of vision in the process of transitioning from dark to light or from light to dark. accelerating adaptation.

This is why pilots and radiologists wear red goggles.

red glasses pilot

When we stay in the dark for a long time and turn on the light, our eyes are dazzled and we have difficulty seeing. The same is true when we turn off the light. both events before This habituation process with the red color we see accelerated we become


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