Who Invented the School and the Modern Education System and Why?

‘Education is a must!’ It will be surprising for most people to hear that the school and education system, which is important enough to create a slogan that everyone knows, is actually aimed at discipline, not education. The answer to the question of who found the school actually points to a person whose aim is to train disciplined workers to work in factories.

Education life turns into an endless journey when you say nursery, kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, high school, university, even graduate and doctorate. So why? Surely not for education? who found the school decided that we could learn something only by meeting in a certain place? The answer to the question of who found the school At this point, it may be a little disturbing because the purpose of the establishment of the schools was not education, but discipline.

When we think in general, we can see that the modern education system does not teach students to give education, but actually to display disciplined behaviors within the framework of certain rules. So is this a good thing? Do they really teach everything in school in today’s world? From the article by William Treseder on the Medium website Let’s answer the question who found the school Let’s take a closer look at the modern education system.

What was pre-modern education like?

Today’s modern education system in the United States of America in the 1830s. By an educator named Horace Mann Let’s talk about the establishment. However, we also need to know what pre-modern education is. Before the school system we know, even in large countries such as the USA, the majority of the people consisted of agricultural society, that is, people who worked in the fields and gardens with earthwork and physical strength.

In agrarian society, education was very short, lasting at most a few years. In this educational process children only what is necessary within their own society. The basics were taught. Reading and writing, basic mathematics, social rules and religious knowledge; It was among the basic knowledge taught in pre-modern schools.

Of course, this much information was not enough for anyone, and only 1% of the general public were truly literate. However nobody needed more schooling either. If you wanted to learn more than what was taught, you could go to a religious center, find a book somewhere, or dare to leave your society with your bag on your back. This situation could not create the necessary working class for business life.

School need arising with industrialization:

Horace Mann

At the beginning of the 19th century, industrialization gained momentum almost everywhere in the world. However, employees now it doesn’t work like it did in the old farming society, They worked the hours requested by the employer. Of course, transforming the agrarian society into a working class proved difficult. Because it is not easy for a person who gets up and works in his field when the sun rises and can return home when the work is done, to work almost all day in a dark factory.

It was necessary to discipline the working class, and only the modern education system, namely schools, could provide this. An educator named Horace Mann started a school system in the already chaotic post-Civil War USA. The school system also worked for the families because the elders of the house were factories during the day and Someone had to look after the child. At this point, schools have become life-saving institutions.

In the modern education system, children respect an authority presented with the school and They had to do whatever he wanted. They should get up when they want, be at school when they want, read what they want, do the homework they want, and even go to bed when they want. A child who submits to school authority, when he grows up to be a worker, also submits to the authority of his employer.

What does the modern education system (due) aim?

old school, old students

Let’s take a closer look at what the education system, which has been operating ‘successfully’ for almost 200 years, has taught the world’s children. Lessons are 45 – 50 – 60 minutes and breaks are relatively short. of your mind, soul or body. Nobody expects him to be ready to do a job. You must comply with the lesson and working hours determined by the authority. You cannot even go to the toilet without their permission.

You have to do the homework or project given to you. That you find this ridiculous a bad student or a bad employee It shows you are. When completing an assignment or project, it doesn’t matter what you learn in the process. The important thing is the deadline. That’s why even today an adult takes care of everything at the last minute, in a hurry. They make people focused on the deadline, not the process.

We live for grades, points, rankings, prizes, bonuses. A child who is conditioned to get the highest grade will only experience success throughout his life. highest award given by authority believes it is. The same child cannot run or play outside of the specified hours. He has to sit for hours while the authority has placed him. Even today, everyone talks about the vital importance of taking 10,000 steps, but all people, including children, are forced to sit for hours.

To summarize briefly the aims of the modern education system as described by William Treseder; schools teach respect for authority, schools teach punctuality, schools focus on the measurement system, schools focus on basic literacy and basic math knowledge. In fact, the modern education system only disciplines children, and education is only a limited part of this system.

Who found the school? You can give it your due and forget it!

george orwell, 1984

Who found the school? Horace Mann. Ok, now forget this information. What will you do with this information? For years in schools, you will forget later, just to please the authority and the information you memorized to get high grades in the exams was taught. As popular historian Emrah Safa Gurkan said, learn to learn.

A successful school is one that teaches its student the learning system. How to get the right information and you must learn how to process this information in your mind. In fact, the modern education system should teach this. The biggest proof that the school system developed by Horace Mann is no longer working in recent years is that many of the geniuses who change the world today do not graduate from one of the schools considered successful by the authority. These people have come to the position they are in thanks to what they have added to the education they received at school.

Maybe you can’t change the authoritarian system of the school for now, but you have come to this day with what the school taught you. you can change yourself as an adult and you can at least save the business world from this authoritarian structure. Don’t keep an unproductive meeting for two hours as it is only scheduled for two hours, ask people’s individual opinions and get them thinking, be inspired and inspire others, focus on the individual rather than the herd, and don’t sit for hours anymore, a little walk will do everyone good.

We evaluated questions such as who found the school, what does the modern education system aim for, through an article written by William Treseder on the Medium website. School is important, of course, but What is more important is that individuals develop themselves in line with their own skills and live their lives in the best possible way.

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