Which country is a baby born during a flight a citizen of?

Thousands of babies are born every day around the world. However, these births do not occur within the expected days from time to time and mothers may be faced with a sudden birth. This unexpected situation can also occur during flight, although it is rare.

As such, births that occur during a flight raise many questions. Especially when a child is born citizenship right subject In such a situation, it gets very confusing.

In addition, babies born on airplanes citizen of the world There is a widespread opinion that When a baby is born on a flight, where does his citizenship belong and what kind of situations play a role in determining this citizenship?

Airlines, of course, apply some procedures for pregnant women’s airline travels.

Expectant mothers who have not yet entered the 28th week of their pregnancy to the doctor’s report While women can travel without any need, it is not possible for mothers who are in their 36th week of pregnancy and carrying a single baby, and women who are in their 32nd week of pregnancy and carry more than one baby.

When we look at the procedures of Turkish Airlines on this issue, the passengers whose pregnancies are from the beginning of the 28th week to the end of the 35th week only receive the “There is no problem in traveling by plane.He is allowed to travel with the report stating ”.

Likewise, the report for women who are expecting more than one baby and who are between the beginning of the 28th week and the end of the 31st week of pregnancy. a mandatory condition.

Citizenship is a right that can be acquired “by birth” or “afterward”. Citizenship acquired by birth is referred to as “original citizenship”, and subsequently acquired citizenship is referred to as “acquired (post-) acquired citizenship”.

Acquisition of original citizenship, blood basis (lineage) and place of birth It is based on two different systems. Regardless of where the child was born on the basis of blood, he or she acquires citizenship from the mother and father or only one of them, regardless of the citizenship of the parents on the basis of the place of birth, the child country of birth acquires citizenship.

While some countries maintain the right to citizenship on a single basis, some both systems together can also apply.

So, can babies born above the clouds be citizens of the world or of which country?

birth in flight

In this sense “be a world citizenThere is no concept of ‘. Of course, a baby who is born has the right to be a citizen of more than one country, but the citizenship of a baby born during a flight depends on which country the baby was born in and which country the plane is registered to.

The procedures to be applied by the countries in such a situation are rather than a general consensus. various differences is showing.

In this respect, the distinction between blood and place of birth gains importance again.

Countries that adopt the place of birth principle within the limits of the aircraft while giving birth to babies the opportunity to enjoy the right of citizenship of that country; It is not possible to benefit from this application for citizenships acquired due to blood ties.

For example, if a baby is born in US airspace in countries where the place of birth principle is applied, such as the USA and Canada, the USA will give this baby to that baby. the right to become a citizen of one’s own offers.

But if a baby born to an American mother is born within French airspace, France “soy-based” does not give the baby the right to become his own citizen because he applies the system, and this baby’s citizenship is subject to the nationality of the mother.

Claims that babies born on airplanes are entitled to free flights throughout their lives and that they can enter all countries without a visa are also an urban legend.

child born on airplane

In aviation rules, there is no provision for the lifelong right of free flight for the babies born during the flight, the payment of the education expenses of that baby and similar privileges. no rules or guidelines.

The International Civil Aviation Organization and the General Directorate of Civil Aviation do not allow any action directed at these children or their families during the flights of airline companies. official or legal obligations states not.

However, some airlines may give gifts to babies born in such a rare situation, by granting free or discounted flights for gestures or promotional purposes.

turkish airlines staff

In June 2017, a birth occurred during a flight belonging to the Indian airline Jet Airways, and the airline company gave birth to the baby after this birth. free flight for life He said he would provide.

Contrary to this, a Taiwanese woman who gave birth on a Chinese airlines plane in 2015 was told that the plane made an emergency landing and the company suffered financial damage. law of torts had opened.


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