When Will the Used Car Application From the Factory Begin?

Remarkable statements about Turkey came from Renault. The company’s top executives have officially announced when the ‘used car from the factory’ application will begin. It was also explained how the process would work.

Owning a car in Turkey is more than ever made difficult case. The known COVID-19 pandemic has seriously disrupted new vehicle production. In addition to the decrease in the supply, the almost tripled dollar/TL parity has increased the prices from good to good. The citizen who turns his direction to a second-hand car more expensive than new encountered vehicles.

As such, it is among the most popular car dealers in Turkey. RenaultA remarkable move came from . This move, which was first voiced at the beginning of 2022, “used car from factory“. Renault, within the scope of this project, used Renault vehicles literally will renew and then sell it again. Renault Group Turkey CEO Hakan Doğu, who made an official statement a few months ago, is about this project. work continues he had said.

Implementation will start in 2023!

Now, there has been a remarkable development in this regard. Speaking to Hürriyet Hakan Doğu and MAİS A.Ş. General Manager Berk Çağdaş, the second hand car application comes from the factory. about the endpoint made statements. Making assertive sentences, Doğu said that the implementation will start as of 2023. “We will change the fate of the second hand in Turkey…” the words of Hakan Doğu are for the citizens promising of the kind.

Cars up to 6 years old will be renewed!

Hakan Doğu made the following statements about how the system will work and which vehicles will be renewed: Now we are in the final stage. We have decided on our technological investments. We will change the fate of the second hand in Turkey. We will set up a new game. Probably other manufacturers will imitate us. Because this will be the right way to reach the car. By constantly renewing the vehicle and giving warranties for 10 years, the public will use We will make affordable vehicles.


The renovation center will be inside the Oyak Renault factory in Bursa. Initially up to 6 years old After the vehicles will be replaced, we plan to extend this to 10 years. Everything, including the engine, can be renewed. 2 years warranty will be presented.

Sales will be carried out by Renault dealers!

Saying that the project in question is very important for Turkey, Berk Çağdaş explained how the sales will be made with the following words: “In the first phase, the purchase and sale of refurbished second-hand vehicles through our branches We want to do it.”

R&D center and a new model will come to Turkey

Hakan Doğu also gave information about Renault’s activities in Turkey. In the statement, it was shared that an R&D center will be established and a new model will be produced in the factory in Bursa. Those explanations were:

“Coming soon with Berk Bey 4-5 innovative projects we will explain. We want to do things beyond the classics that no one else in Turkey has done with its service, connected vehicle solutions and technology. The world is changing, the automotive is changing. We set ourselves a goal to be the Apple of the automotive industry in Turkey. We have a long-established partnership (Renault-Oyak Group) for 53 years. We are the founding fathers of this country’s automotive industry. We have made it our mission to re-establish the automotive ecosystem in Turkey. So far, we have not avoided investing. Work continues for Bursa as well. Should we produce sedans or SUVs, can we continue or should we continue Renault with internal combustion engines in Turkey? Many strategic decisions like this we are in the evaluation phase. For the next 10 years, we are trying to fill the factory completely and establish a production infrastructure suitable for both domestic market and export. We can announce our decisions in the first quarter of 2023.”

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