WhatsApp, which is among the most popular messaging applications of recent times, continues to become more advanced day by day. A new feature about groups, which has been brought into the application, will delight many users. Here are the details
WhatsApp is working on chat filters
Thanks to the chat filtering feature offered with version for users included in the beta program of WhatsApp, the application experience of the users has been taken to the next level. The feature, which allows users to separate one-on-one chats from group chats, was greatly appreciated.
WhatsApp with the feature added to the user interface; It is possible to filter with the options of “Unread Chats”, “Individual Chats” and “Group Chats”. The innovation, which will make things much easier for users who communicate with many people and groups, was found to be extremely useful.
Although the update in question is currently only available to users who are included in the beta program, it is thought that it will be made available to everyone in a short time by making final adjustments in line with the feedback received.
With the update to be released shortly, it is thought that WhatsApp will introduce many structural innovations such as e-mail verification and IP hiding during calls to the user experience.
So, what do you guys think about the new feature? Do you think this update will take the user experience to the next level? Was advanced filtering for chats necessary for users? You can share your opinions with us in the comments section.