What Would Happen If Everyone Had Their Own House?

A large number of people continue to live in rented houses in our country, and unfortunately, it seems very difficult to own a house in the current economy. It is a matter of great curiosity what would happen if the house in which each of us lived was our own.

Owning our own house and not paying rent for the house we live in sounds like a dream for many of us. Indeed, a buy a house for our years of workWe may need to save money and even take out a loan on it.

In a world where everyone lives in their own home, things could be very different. But first it really whether it is possible We need to look.

How can anyone be a home owner?

First of all, our basic economic system has to allow it. applied in our country. mixed economy system does not allow everyone to own a house. Changing the economic system of a country is very difficult. But let’s say our economic system has changed…

Suppose we move to a socialist system that makes it possible for everyone to own a home. According to the new system free market economy will disappear and the income gap among all workers across the country will be minimized.

You can see an example of this in Cuba.


The highest paid government workers and the lowest paid in Cuba Even the salary difference between the employees does not exceed 3%. The reason for this is the adoption of the socialist system in the country, the fact that there is almost no free market economy.

In Cuba, which accepted the socialist system, citizens without a home were provided with a free home and the concept of ‘homeless’ was eliminated. As a matter of fact, there are certain rules for people who move to the country with a residence permit. At the beginning of these, people who have a residence permit are in the country. can buy a maximum of 2 houses means is coming. If the system in Cuba was implemented in our country, it would be easier for everyone to own a house.

However, it is almost impossible to switch to this system in our country.


The Economist we consulted prof. Dr. Senol Babuscu, He stated that for the implementation of a similar system, education, health, work, economy and many other systems in our country should be changed, all citizens should have equal rights and most of these rights should be met by the state. Let’s say that these things took place, and as TİP President Erkan Baş said in the past weeks, with a decree. in one night everyone became a home owner…

Even if everything looks good, it will have serious consequences.


As you know, construction is a very important sector for our country. The transition to a socialist order and everyone sitting in their own home is the first priority. great development for the construction industry will provide, but the following may be a little thought-provoking. Let’s explain with an example…

Let’s say you live in a rental with your family and a decree came out as we mentioned. You may want to go out to your own home and live alone. In this case, both you and your family must own a house. However, the number of existing houses may not be enough for all citizens, as most of the country lives on rent. In this case too new houses will need to be built. Therefore, this situation will ensure the revival of the construction industry.

What about after everyone has settled into their own home?

In the case of the transition to the socialist system, home purchases may be limited or completely banned so that no one is left homeless. Thus, it can be ensured that everyone lives in their own home and unfortunately The construction industry, which provides employment to hundreds of thousands of people, may come to an end. As a result, the need for construction will be minimized, as everyone in the country will live in their own house and will not (or will not) buy a 2nd or 3rd house. Only buildings such as shopping malls, car parks and houses will be built for newly married people who want to live alone.

As a result, many people working in the construction industry will be unemployed. To summarize; for our country overnight It is not possible to switch to such a system. The whole system needs to be changed. This requires a lot of time and effort.


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