What Should You Do for a Workable Boycott?

The only fact that everyone agrees on about the Israeli-Palestinian events is that it is a very sad picture. It is a human duty to react against those responsible for this painful situation. So, are you sure you responded correctly?

Do you look for those who spill Coca-Cola, or those who disturb people at Starbucks, or those who go to Burger King? Ratatouille If you really want to boycott something with good intentions, you should keep this in mind: For the boycott to work, millions of people must participate in it, and in order to convince millions of people, you must keep this in mind: You should not approach these people with hate language. However, neither the approach is correct nor the target companies.

In fact, you do not have to show your reaction by boycotting. Unfortunately, as a nation, we immediately thought of reacting with a boycott. These ineffective reactions are insignificant.

When you come across such paint abandonment images on social media, you should not jump headlong into it.

Companies you’ve been told belong to country X Actually it may not be so. Moreover, just because it is from X country does not mean that it should be boycotted. If it turns out that he blatantly supports government X, it would make sense to react.

Because We are witnessing the tragedy of the conflict between the Netanyahu government and Hamas. Neither of them represents the Israeli or Palestinian people. Their conflict is “Every Jew is a murderer; every Palestinian is a terrorist.” It should not give reason to generalize. For example, half of the Israeli population hates Netanyahu.

Let’s give an example based on boycotted companies: In fact, Coca-Cola, Starbucks and Burger King have nothing to do with Israel.

boycott israel

Year 1964: The first franchise for the bottling and distribution of The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) products was given to İMSA (Has Group) in Istanbul. It has actually been a Turkish company ever since.

Coca-Cola İçecek A.Ş.; Operating with nearly 10,000 employees in Turkey, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Syria. a multinational company.

Now, if we go into details such as franchise, shares, board of directors, we cannot get out. This company In short, a Turkish company listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange.

Boycotting Coca-Cola will do nothing but harm the Turkish economy; So going around and around You will harm yourself.

Even a conflict between the shareholders of this company The holding is also a shareholder of Togg. In other words, there is no difference between boycotting Coke and Togg; the same holding will be affected in both cases. Moreover, nowadays boycotts cannot harm such giant companies.

coca cola Türkiye

In addition, the incentives given to Coca-Cola by the government this year are as follows:

  • Customs duty exemption,
  • VAT exemption,
  • 5-year employer share of insurance premium,
  • 60% tax reduction,
  • 25% investment contribution rate.

Meanwhile, the Turkish Grand National Assembly removed Coca-Cola products from its menus in order to boycott Israel; This is another contradiction.

“But Coca-Cola was founded in the USA!” For those who say: “Then pour out the cola in the USA.” We would like to say so, but we stated that boycotts have no effect.

Let’s say you have anger towards the man who founded the company. A humble pharmacist founded Coca-Cola in the 1800s. We don’t care where he comes from or what he believes in. But let’s say he’s Jewish. If you are going to feel angry just because of this, it is no different than someone hating you just because you are Turkish.

Israelis are also very different individuals from each other; Some are religious, some are atheists, some support the current government, some are opponents. Just like our differences. Then let’s not get into Volkswagen just because Hitler founded it.


Why doesn’t Starbucks, which is on the agenda with its boycott, have any branches in Israel?

Just like Coca-Cola, brands such as Starbucks and Burger King also The situation is similar.

So what needs to be done to be effective? Look at the protests in London: 1 million people chanting “Palestinian children are dying!” He creates public opinion by saying.

If in Turkey “Down with the Netanyahu government!” instead of saying “Death to Zionist Jews!” Banners such as these can be opened. What do you think Jews who do not support Netanyahu will think when they see these?

For example, in the photo below showing another march 2 years ago You can see Jews. They also criticize Netanyahu’s actions against the Palestinian people.

israel palestine

From time to time, certain brands are boycotted in Turkey. However It will all be forgotten soon.

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