What Kind of Altcoin Projects Do Binance, Coinbase and Kraken Invest in?

Leading investment companies in the cryptocurrency market continue their new investments without slowing down.

by Bloomberg 15 November According to the news reported today, the leading investment companies of the cryptocurrency market Binance Labs, coinbase Ventures And kraken Ventures continues its investments.

In the news presented, Binance start-up investments more specific And detailed It was stated that they started to realize as a result of research and that they are currently turning to tangible projects focusing on real world products.

Operations manager says the latest layoffs at Binance do not affect Binance Labs Dana Houthe team “stable” and that all its members are listed on the company’s website. According to Hou new member recruitment continues:

Binance Labs continues to hire and we have welcomed new members to the team.

On the other hand, Coinbase stated that it increased its investments outside the USA with the regulatory pressures in the USA. Coinbase Ventures director of corporate development and initiatives Hoolie Tejwaniemphasized that the company is supporting more startups outside the US as regulatory scrutiny of the crypto industry increases.

Kraken’s venture arm at Kraken Ventures manager Brandon Gathsaid the division’s number of new deals has decreased over the past year, but his team is still actively investing:

Over the last two years, we typically close about three to four new deals per quarter and deploy about $3 million in capital.

Approximately of Kraken Ventures’ ventures 40% in the USA, 40% in Europe And 20% located in the rest of the world.

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