What is resistance, what does it do?

The resistor, which we see in advertisements to be calcified, is an industrial product used to obtain heat from electrical energy. It is widely used not only in washing machines but also in all areas that need heat. Let’s see what the resistance is, what it does, how it works in all details.

Now you know the ads that have become a classic. The washing machine breaks down, the master opens the machine, shows the chalky resistance and the lady of the house is surprised. ‘Aaaah!’ says. He says, because without the resistance, the washing machine would not be able to provide hot water. well The resistor is an industrial product used to convert electrical energy into heat energy. It has many different uses and functions.

With many different types resistance It is possible to say that it is one of the cornerstones of today’s world. Because we can easily reach electricity, but it is a little troublesome to obtain heat from electric current. At this point, the resistance comes into play and provides the heat we need from electrical energy. Bride What is a resistor, what does it do, how does it work Let’s take a closer look at it.

What is resistance?

Resistance; produced using materials such as iron, aluminum, nickel and chromium, converting electric current to heat energy It is an industrial product. When the resistance starts to heat up, it heats the water it is in or the air passed through the resistance. Therefore, there are many different types that are used in many different areas.

What does resistance do?


All devices require energy to operate, and we obtain this energy with electricity. However, when it comes to heat, there is no way to directly convert electrical energy into heat. At this point, the resistance comes into play. The resistor takes the electric current and converts it to heat. Thus, it provides the necessary heat in the area where it is used in the shortest way.

How does the resistor work?


Just like a plug, the resistor has two ports to receive electrical current. As with light bulbs, the resistor starts to heat up when it receives this electric current. It does not crack like a lamp as it is produced from heat resistant material. and continues to heat with a current in the range of 220 – 380 volts. As it heats up, it also heats the water it is in and the air it transfers over it. It has an extremely simple and useful working principle.

Where is the resistor used?


Thanks to the washing machine advertisements, we know that the resistance is used in household appliances. However, this is not the only use. Resistance; in textile factories, rubber and plastics industry, automotive industry, electronics industry, chemical industry, energy industry, food industry, agriculture and livestock industry, briefly In all sectors that want to quickly convert electrical energy into heat energy used.

What are the types of resistance?


Since the resistors have such a wide range of uses, There is a type that is produced in accordance with every area in which it is used. A resistor can heat a small machine as well as a large factory or a mirror behind which it is placed. Some of the most used resistor types in the market are as follows;

  • Nozzle resistance
  • Pipe inner rolling resistor
  • clamp resistor
  • Wire cassette heaters
  • Resistances with air cooling cabinet
  • Mold resistors
  • Sound energy saving resistor
  • Pipe resistors
  • cartridge resistors
  • Flexible manifold resistors
  • hot path resistors

Why does the resistor calcify?


Millions one heart, one question in mind; Does the resistor really calcify that much? Yes, all resistances that come into direct contact with water are susceptible to calcification. Because the resistances are generally produced from heat-resistant materials such as iron, aluminum, nickel and chromium, and these materials are not resistant to heat as well as limescale.

We do not know how effective the number one brand of lime resistance advertisements is in this regard, but You must use a product to prevent resistance calcification. Especially if you live in an area where chemicals are poured into it to clean the mains water, there is a high probability that many machines operating using resistance in your home will break down.

In addition to calcification, another problem experienced by the resistances is breaking or cracking. The resistors are made of heat-resistant material, but This material also has a lifespan. The resistor, which loses a little more power each time it heats up, may eventually crack or break. In this case, the only thing to do is to invite the master you see in the advertisements to your home. Confused ‘Aaaah!’ response is optional.

We see it calcified in every commercial. What is a resistor, what does it do, how does it work We answered the frequently asked questions and talked about what you need to know about this industrial product. If you are experiencing any resistance problems, you should definitely contact the authorized technical service of the machine.

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