What is Neck Flattening, What Are Its Symptoms, How Does It Go?

We have answered the questions of what are the symptoms of neck straightening, which causes frequent neck and headaches in people who spend most of their daily life at the computer, and how it goes. If you wish, let’s examine the neck straightening problem, which harms your spine, in all details, without further ado.

If you work at the computer for a long time, it may cause undesirable results in your body after a while. Even if you do not have the correct sitting position, in your physical characteristics visible differences can occur. If one of them is neck straightening problem. If your professional life is spent in front of the computer and you have the following symptoms, there is a high probability that you are facing the problem of neck straightening. What are the symptoms of neck flattening You may be wondering the question. We have answered for you with all the details.

Experts constantly warn about the correct sitting position while sitting at the computer. It is informed that the wrong sitting position can cause irreversible results after a while, and that the correct sitting ensures that you are not physically harmed. In the process of not complying, problems such as flattening of the neck occur. Although neck straightening may seem simple, it causes discomfort that we never expected in the future. If you wish, all together without further ado What is neck straightening, what are the symptoms and how is it passed? Let’s find answers to your questions.

What is neck straightening, how does it go? Causes and symptoms:

First, what is neck straightening?

Scoliosis Flattening of the neck, or otherwise known as neck straightening, is a disorder that predominantly occurs in adolescents and occurs as a result of lateral curvature of the spine. Neck flattening may occur more intensely in people with diseases such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, and most cases of neck flattening are quite mild. But of course, if there is no solution to the neck straightening problem, which seems mild at first, it may become irreversible in the future.

The scoliosis problem that occurs in the body increases the spine curve over time and can prevent our lungs from working properly by reducing the amount of space in the chest. Children who are faced with the problem of scoliosis in adolescence can be treated with simple treatment methods. In fact, most of the time, there may not even be a need for treatment. But if you are facing the problem of advanced scoliosis, that is, flattening of the neck, you may even need surgery.

So what are the causes of neck straightening?


  • The bones in the spine may not have formed properly in the womb
  • Underlying muscle problems such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy can cause
  • Spinal injuries or infection
  • The wear and tear of your spine as you age
  • Posture disorder
  • Iron and calcium deficiency
  • Wrong pillow and mattress selection

Causes neck straightening We can answer the question with the above items. Although neck straightening may seem like a situation that can happen later, you can actually face this problem since you were born. In other words, the inability of the bones in the spine to form fully or not form properly in the mother’s womb is a congenital condition. congenital scoliosis can create the problem.

What are the symptoms of neck flattening?

neck straightening treatment

  • uneven shoulders
  • Visible C-shaped spine
  • Continuous one-sided bending
  • Prolapse of one side of the rib cage
  • Clothes that don’t fit you
  • Irregular waist appearance
  • One hip higher than the other
  • Pain in the arms and numbness in the hands
  • Frequent neck pain
  • Headache
  • Neck pain
  • Feeling that there is a constant load on the shoulders

The biggest symptom of the neck straightening problem is the irregular and forward-curved spine style. So, even if you don’t realize it, your spine C-shaped and when viewed from the outside, your body is in a constantly forward leaning position. If your neck straightening problem is advanced, it can be seen rib cage and shoulder differences You can also notice. However, visible problems such as the clothes you wear have a disproportionate appearance on you, and one hip is higher than the other are among the symptoms of neck flattening. If you have at least one of these symptoms, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor as soon as possible.

How is neck straightening done?

neck straightening

  • Supporting with special bands to prevent treatment in infants and children
  • Back support to prevent progression in older children
  • Constantly resting your neck, taking frequent breaks if you work at a computer
  • With the help of a neck pillow, optimally positioning your neck when in a sleeping position.
  • To prevent pain in the neck by applying cold compresses with ice
  • Applying a hot compress with the help of a hot shower or a hot water bag to the painful area in order to relax the tense muscles
  • Working in the most accurate ergonomic environment. To ensure that your neck is in the most correct way in your working environment.

First of all, by applying to health institutions, doctors neck straightening Let it detect the level. However, the treatment methods that the doctors will give you are always much more important. The biggest method to prevent the neck straightening problem is to keep your neck in an ergonomic way. If you work at the computer, you should rest frequently and move your neck. Of course, your sitting position at the computer is one of the most important factors.

What should be the most correct sitting arrangement at the computer?

computer seating arrangement

  • Our upper leg should be completely attached to the chair.
  • Your legs and kneecap should be at a 90-degree angle.
  • Your feet and legs should form a 90-degree angle.
  • Your back should be standing at an average angle of 100 to 135 degrees to your legs.
  • Your arms and body should be in a tight-fitting position.
  • Especially your neck and shoulders should be in such a way that they do not contract themselves.
  • The monitor screen should be only slightly below your eye level.

When you have the right sitting position at the computer, you can prevent problems such as neck straightening that may occur later. If you spend most of your day in front of the computer, the wrong sitting arrangement can lead to undesirable results in the future. Because the most correct sitting arrangement in front of the computer. You must be providing. We have previously prepared a guide for you on how to be the most correct sitting position at the computer. You can read below:


How Should We Sit To Avoid Pain While Using Computer?

For you what are the symptoms of neck straightening, how is it passed We answered questions such as: If you have at least one of the symptoms mentioned above, we recommend that you see a doctor, as we said before. Before starting treatment methods, providing the most accurate treatment under the supervision of a doctor will allow you to reach a faster solution.

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