What is Monarchy? Which Countries Are Ruled by Monarchy?

Monarchy, the administrative system that has been applied in all the states of the world for a long time and is still being applied in some countries, refers to the monopoly of all power in the most basic sense. Let’s take a closer look at what is a monarchy, what are its types, which countries are still ruled by a monarchy today.

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful form of government, as Mustafa Kemal Atatürk left us a legacy. It is a parliamentary system where the sovereignty is unconditionally in the nation. However, this management system is quite new for the world in general. Because, from the first years of the establishment of the states until recently, these states were ruled by a monarchy, and even today there are countries that are governed by a monarchy.

In its broadest definition, monarchy is the concentration of all power in the hands of a single person. As Turks, we are very familiar with this form of government because the Ottoman Empire was also a monarchy state until it was destroyed by the invasion. Since this management system has been used for many years, it has different phases and types. Bride What is a monarchy, which countries are still ruled by a monarchy today? Let’s take a closer look.

What is monarchy?

The monarchy, which is translated into our language from the French word monarchie, It is a form of government in which the state administration is concentrated in the hands of a single person. Throughout history, these leaders, whom we call monarchs today, have had many different titles such as king, queen, emperor, empress, khan, shah, sultan, sultan, prince and princess.

Although the monarchy is defined as the concentration of power in one hand, in fact, the power is in the hands of a family in such governments. One member of this family becomes the leader, and after being the leader until he dies, another family member takes his place. In different societies, the monarchy has been supported by an oligarchy, that is, by the fact that the government is in the hands of a group. In this case, even though he is a strong leader, he is chosen by this group and makes his decisions in line with the interests of this group.

Leaders in a monarchy system of government claim and believe that they get their power to rule from a divine power. Most monarchs are also seen as religious leaders. In fact, the pharaohs of the Egyptian period even claimed that they were gods themselves. From this point of view, it is possible to say that the monarchy is supported by religious characteristics.

What are the types of leader and monarchy?


There are two different types of leaders in the monarchy management system; the leader by blood and the elected leader. Leaders coming by blood ties are the system we know. The father is the leader, when he dies, the son becomes the leader. Elected leaders, on the other hand, become leaders until they die, although they are chosen by a certain group, and they still have all the power.

It is possible to divide the types of monarchy into two as constitutional monarchy and absolute monarchy. Absolute monarchy with a leader we know and it is a system where there is no limit to its power. In a constitutional monarchy, such leaders serve symbolically under a constitution and a parliament.

Monarchy periods:


Monarchy was the basic system of government practiced in all states until recently. It is possible to talk about the first years of the monarchy as the ancient monarchy and the last years as the modern monarchy. Ancient monarchy refers to the form of government in Greek, Egyptian and other Mesopotamian civilizations and has very strict rules.

The modern monarchy period ended with the French Revolution of 1789 and gave birth to the nation-state model. In the European continent until the French Revolution The system ruled by the dynastic family and the nobility is considered the period of modern monarchy. In Europe, oligarchy and monarchy have always been intertwined. This is where the noble class comes from.

Ottoman monarchy and its end:

Ottoman sultans

The Ottoman monarchy is called the Ottoman sultanate. Founder of the state in the Ottoman sultanate system The descendants of Osman Bey become leaders with the title of sultan. They believe that power has been given to them by God. Although there was no noble class in the Ottoman sultanate, it was seen that women were reigned during the reign of incompetent sultans or important decisions were made by viziers.

Ottoman monarchy in 1876 Declaration of the First Constitutional Monarchy It turned into a constitutional monarchy, but the parliament was dissolved when Russia attacked the empire. 30 years later Second Constitutional Era has been announced. The parliament, named as the Majlis-i Mebusan, remained open until April 23, 1920, and then left its place to the National Assembly.

With the decision of the National Assembly on 1 November 1922 The sultanate was abolished by accepting that the Ottoman Empire was disobedient and the last Sultan VI. Mehmed Vahdettin announced his abdication. Then, as we all know, the Republic of Turkey, where we live today, was established on October 29, 1923.

Countries still ruled by a monarchy today:


  • Those governed by a constitutional monarchy;
    • Andorra
    • Antigua and Barbuda
    • Australia
    • Bahamas
    • Barbados
    • Belgium
    • Belize
    • Cambodia
    • Canada
    • Denmark
    • Grenada
    • Jamaica
    • Japan
    • Lesotho
    • Luxembourg
    • Malaysia
    • Holland
    • New Zeland
    • Norway
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Great Britain
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis
    • St. Lucia
    • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    • Solomon Islands
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • Thailand
    • Tuvalu
    • Bahrain
    • Bhutan
    • Jordan
    • Kuwait
    • Liechtenstein
    • Monaco
    • Morocco
    • Tongan
    • United Arab Emirates
  • Those ruled by absolute monarchy;
    • Brunei
    • Oman
    • Train
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Esvatini
    • Vatican

Management system in which all management power is in the hands of a single person What is monarchy, what are its types We answered the curious questions such as and listed the countries that are still ruled by the monarchy today. As one reads, ‘Long live the republic!’ she can’t help saying it.

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