What is Li-Fi? 100 times faster than Wi-Fi

As wireless network technologies continue to develop rapidly, a very important study has come from scientists. According to the latest report by IEEE Li-Fi named light-based network technologywill be 100 times faster than Wi-Fi. The new standard set for Li-Fi will open a new door in wireless connection.

What is Li-Fi and what will the IEEE 802.11bb standard do?

Li-Fi to transmit data light waves It stands out as a wireless data technology that uses As a result of IEEE’s new experiments, the IEEE 802.11bb standard has been reached. The standard, which is determined to transfer data 100 times faster than Wi-Fi, to 1 Gbps able to transfer data.

The biggest innovation of the IEEE 802.11bb standard is its compatibility with Wi-Fi. According to the researchers, this indicates that Li-Fi devices can be used with Wi-Fi technologies. The new standard will make it easier for both businesses and end users to transition to Li-Fi technology.

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Li-Fi also has a number of advantages over Wi-Fi. Light signals are much more difficult to block than the radio waves used in Wi-Fi. This makes it both safer and faster. It also stands out as being more energy efficient.

While Li-Fi is still in its early stages of development, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we connect to the internet. It seems possible to use it in crowded areas at the initial stage, including hospitals, schools and factories.

There is no region where this wireless network technology is used yet. However, with the expansion of the tests, the opening of the pilot regions seems imminent.

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