What is Gout Disease, What are the Treatment Methods?

Gout, which is caused by the accumulation of uric acid, which we take with foods containing intense protein, in the body and crystallizes and collects in the joints, manifests itself with very painful attacks. Let’s take a closer look at gout, which is known as the disease of kings because it is caused by the intense consumption of red meat and seafood.

We must be mindful of all the foods we consume, because too much of anything harms the body. So much so that even the number one protein we need for muscle development, if taken more than normal, causes uric acid accumulation in the body and gout. Gout has long been known as the disease of kings and the disease of the rich. It is even said to be one of the causes of death of Suleiman the Magnificent.

When foods containing intense protein, especially red meat, offal and seafood, are broken down, uric acid is released and this uric acid causes gout when it is not excreted. This disease manifests itself with terrible attacks of inflammation that come suddenly at night and appear in the joints of the feet. Bride what is gout disease, how is it passed, what are the home treatment methods Let’s take a closer look.

What is gout?

Gout, in its broadest definition, is an inflammation of the joints. In general, after excessive protein intake, it is mixed with the blood. uric acid accumulates and cannot be excreted. Uric acid, which is not excreted, crystallizes in the other foot joints, especially in the big toe, and creates an inflammation that causes pain and sensitivity.

What are the symptoms of gout?


Gout does not have an ongoing symptom process. Uric acid builds up in the body, and eventually in the big toe joint at night. It comes with terrible pain. This situation, which is called a gout attack, may occur several times a year, but it occurs more frequently as the amount of uric acid increases.

A gout attack begins suddenly. The patient either feels a pain that is strong enough to wake up from his sleep or realizes the situation when he wakes up. Between 4 and 12 hours after the onset of pain the pain will increase. Since swelling, redness, pain and tenderness occur in the attack area, the patient cannot move their joints normally.

Where does a gout attack occur?


The first place where a gout attack usually occurs is the big toe joint. Ankle, knee and later It can even cause inflammation in the spinal system. Gout attacks always occur in the joints because uric acid collects in the joints and becomes crystallized when the blood temperature decreases at night.

What causes gout?


With the breakdown of protein, uric acid is released and mixes with the blood. The kidney filters uric acid from this blood and expels it through urine. If the body should if there is much more uric acid or if there is a kidney problem, uric acid cannot be excreted and causes gout.

Gout patients must do:


  • Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Losing weight in a balanced way instead of losing weight quickly.
  • Eat little and often.
  • Avoiding alcohol, especially beer.
  • Avoiding carbonated drinks.
  • Avoiding sugary foods.
  • Limiting fermented foods.
  • Limiting red meat consumption.
  • Limiting offal consumption.
  • Limiting seafood consumption.
  • Using olive oil instead of solid fats.
  • Limiting legumes consumption.
  • Eating boiled eggs instead of fried eggs.
  • Be sure to exercise regularly.
  • Drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning.
  • Taking a vitamin C supplement.
  • Drinking a glass of parsley juice every 3 days.
  • Not using blood thinners during an attack.

What to do during a gout attack:


Unfortunately, there is not much to do during a gout attack. If you have been diagnosed before, given by your doctor You can use drugs containing colchicine. To reduce pain, you can use painkillers that are good for joint pain. Since the attack area will be very hot, ice can be relieved, but ice should not be used for too long as it will strengthen the uric acid crystals.

How is gout diagnosed?


Gout is one of the most easily diagnosed diseases. It is detected by X-ray or MRI during the attack. If it is not at the time of the attack, it will be requested by your doctor. It can also be detected by a standard blood test result. Depending on the situation, a uric acid regulator may be prescribed by the doctor.

in the blood of normal people upper limit of uric acid level is 7 mg/dl. However, this rate may be 7-9 mg/dl or even higher in gout patients. Although gout is a disease caused by high uric acid level, high uric acid level is not the only factor for diagnosis. For a definitive diagnosis, fluid can be taken from the inflamed area at the time of attack and analysis can be performed.

Caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the blood and its crystallization in the joints. What is gout and how is it treated? We answered the frequently asked questions and talked about the details you need to know about the subject. What we tell is for informational purposes only, you should definitely consult a doctor when you experience such a problem.

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