What is Bullet Journal Method and How Is It Applied?

It would be nice if we lived our active and full of life days more planned, but if you say that making plans is too boring, then you haven’t met the bullet journal method yet. Let’s take a closer look at what the bullet journal method is, how it is applied, what the materials are, using a notebook and lots of colored pencils.

When we say do this in the morning, do that in the evening, today there is this, today there is this, our mind, already tired from stress, becomes soup. Of course, we can create an event calendar for ourselves or use one of the mobile applications developed for this job, but let’s face it, aren’t they too boring? At work This is where the bullet journal method comes into play. and offers users a unique planning experience.

We started out like a great ad, but it’s not sponsored content, and there’s no product to sell anyway. Because What we call a bullet journal is an idea. Thanks to this idea, you can create an event calendar in a way that you can enjoy every second of it by using lots of colored pencils on a notebook you can buy from any stationery store. Let’s examine in detail what the bullet journal method is, how it is applied, which materials are used.

What is the bullet journal method that makes your planning much more fun?

To put it in the simplest way, bullet journal allows users to diary – calendar of events created a notebook It is a kind of planning, remembering method. It is definitely prepared on a dotted notebook, preferably colored pencils are used, certain sections are written at the entrance and the rest can be customized completely according to the wishes of the user.

The bullet journal method, also known by the abbreviation Bujo, was developed by Ryder Carroll. Carroll, a designer and writer today, He was a child with learning difficulties. Because he had problems focusing and could not be productive, he tried to set up a special system by trial and error, and finally succeeded in putting the bullet journal method on a systematic plane.

bullet journal

So what exactly does the bullet journal method do?

Let’s think about it this way, you have ten jobs to do and events to attend today. These were determined some time in advance and You have to catch each one of them on time. You recorded it on a mobile application or wrote it on small pieces of paper and placed it left and right. It’s good, but this method doesn’t help you remember because it’s both boring and something you do all the time, so it becomes a routine.

This is where the bullet journal method comes into play. In bullet journal method there is only one notebook for all your work and activities, so you knew where to look. Since you wrote one by one with your hands, all the writings are engraved in your mind. Moreover, because you wrote all this with countless colored pencils and adding images to it, it has taken a special place in your visual memory. I passed everything, you had so much fun doing this.

bullet journal

What materials are needed for the bullet journal method?

The bullet journal method does not force people who want to apply it to buy a product or service in any way. The first thing you need to practice the method is a notebook. It is not recommended that the notebook be squared or lined. If you are confident in your handwriting, you can use an unlined notebook, but if you are not a master illustrator, it is best to use a dotted notebook. So each row you create can be much nicer looking.

Another thing you need to implement the bullet journal method is, of course, a pen. At this point, the decision is entirely up to you. If you wish, decorate your notebook using only one color pen. or turn your notebook into a riot of colors by using pens of dozens of different colors.

From this point on, your options are endless. Sticky notes, stickers, colored tape, paper clips and more using any stationery product you can think of. You can customize your notebook. If you don’t want to use it, that’s okay too. It is also possible to create all these digitally by downloading the bullet journal mobile application via the link here, but the handwriting method is always more advantageous and enjoyable.

bullet journal

How is the bullet journal method implemented? There are some sections you should add to the introduction:

The bullet journal method is not just about writing something in the notebook with colored pencils, Remember this is a system. For this reason, there are some indispensable sections that you should add especially to the introduction to implement the system in the most successful way.

First, you should create a table of contents on the first page of your notebook. For this, you can take a notebook with page numbers or You can assign numbers to notebook pages yourself. When you add what is in the table of contents to the table of contents, you can easily find what you are looking for as if you were reading a book with an event calendar.

The second step is to add keywords and appropriate images. For example, set a special keyword for birthdays and visually draw an orange balloon next to it. When you do this, you will be able to engrave the birthday date in the deepest part of your mind much more easily with the help of visual aid. Apply this for all events.

In the third part, you have to prepare the months. Index all the months of the year in tables. After stringing mark what happened on which day one by one and write next to it. Because instead of fiddling with the notebook pages one at a time, by examining the lunar calendar, you can at least see what’s going on that day or that week much more easily.

If you’re ready, let’s start:

Did it seem tedious to prepare essential sections when implementing the bullet journal method? No, don’t think like that. After all, you are not trying to customize a boring mobile application, you are creating everything with your own hands. After the indispensable parts, it’s time for monthly plans.

Open the next page of the notebook and list the days of the month one after the other. In the space next to each, write what will happen that day. Then create individual pages of the day. These pages and lines that you will create in the first step may be empty, as a result, everything is not clear days ago. The important thing is to create your own bullet journal system.

Now you have the ball. Do you write the days in different colors, decorate them, paint them, do you paste a photo or compress a paperclip; What would you like. As long as you look at that page, the activity you see is different from the others. Of course, be sure to prepare this visibility in the way that gives you the most pleasure.

It allows you to prepare your event calendars in a much more planned and enjoyable way. What is the bullet journal method and how is it applied? We have prepared questions such as: Do not limit yourself in any way while applying the system. Remember, the main purpose of the bullet journal method is to take your time while preparing this calendar.

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