What is Banner Advertising, What Does It Do?

No matter which website you open, the advertisements that appear on all four corners of the screen are called banners. Banners, which form the basis of internet advertising, have been used for many years. Well, what are these ads aiming at if we turn them off as soon as we see them? Let’s take a closer look at this system through the question of what is a banner.

There are two ways to access digital content; You either pay a fee or watch ads using it for free. In our country, the number of users who prefer to watch ads using freeware is quite high. So we all banner We often come across advertisements. Banner ads can be quite annoying sometimes however, a banner that is placed correctly and gives the right message is quite functional.

Banner advertising began even before the advent of the internet. because banner The message given using it is not always an advertisement. An item that the visitor must see on the website can also be displayed as a banner. In other words, whatever the newspaper’s headline is, it is what is shown as a banner on the website. Bride what is a banner, what is banner advertising aimed at Let’s take a closer look.

What is a banner?

Banner; at the bottom, top, right, left, or as a pop-up screen of websites. displayed advertising and promotion areas. It is also possible to say communication element for banners. Banner areas can be created in still jpeg, png and webp formats or in animated swf and gif formats.

Generally, visual content is shared in banner areas. As with all advertisements that are intended to be effective, content in banner areas is often only There are short articles for guidance. Today’s banner contents are customized using HMTL5, and even 360-degree navigation in the banner area is provided.

What does a banner do?


Banner is a communication item, an advertising and promotional space. In other words, the banner is the most effective method of primarily telling users something. Of course, if you are trying to watch TV series illegally, most of the time banner content consists of illegal betting site advertisements. However If you go to an official website like MHRS banner content can turn into life-saving content.

The main goal to be achieved with banner ads is the user’s standard website. to make it click different from the visit routine. For this reason, in banner areas, the user is often invited to subscribe to an e-mail newsletter, review a campaign, briefly do something that he has not been doing before. In this sense, this is advertising as we know it.

When did banner advertising appear?

first internet ad

According to many people, it was only in the first period of the 2000s that the Internet began to become widespread. But internet usage goes back much further, so does internet advertising. The first banner ad was in 1994. wired.com published on the website. “Have you ever clicked your mouse right here? You will.” It had similar content. This ad was directing visitors to an AT&T campaign.

How to make money from banner ads?


In internet advertising, earning money through the advertisements on your site is provided through three basic agreements; view, click and action. You can only earn money from ads that are viewed, ads that are clicked, and ads that are processed on the site after clicking.

Such agreements are made between the advertiser and the advertising site. Instead of dealing with individual advertisers By contracting with services such as Google Adsense You can also publish banner ads on your site. In such a case, Google will decide which ad to run, but you still have a say.

What is targeted with banner advertising?


We close these advertisements as soon as we see them, if you ask why people sit and try so hard for these advertisements; You are looking at the wrong point. Banner ads that visitors turn off as soon as they see them are bad ads. Just as we sometimes watch an ad we come across on television or on YouTube with even more excitement than the broadcast we watch, that’s exactly what banner ads should do.

Creating banner ads is much more difficult than other ads. Its technical details are simple, but preparing content that will capture the heart of the visitor as soon as he sees it it is difficult. As a result, there was a goal that the visitor wanted to reach while entering that website, and the banner intervened. In this already frustrating situation, what should the visitor do if something meaningless appears before him, even if he doesn’t turn it off?

When we examine it from this point of view, although the definition of banner is relatively new, banner advertising philosophy It is the current state of the advertising concept that has been cooked for decades. This is why it forms the basis of internet advertising. Ads aren’t always bad, but bad content is much worse as an ad.

How is the banner made?


Even if the banner contents seem like a simple image and text at first glance, they are actually When they are not supported by HTML codes they are not very useful. Banner contents can be prepared using standard graphic design programs or services. However, HTML codes should be used to ensure that these contents are specific to that website.

Since the internet world is a global area, you can prepare banner content over ready-made designs with websites such as canva.com or use the following considering the dimensions you can prepare it yourself;

  • 300 x 250 – Medium Rectangle
  • 250 x 250 – Square Pop-Up
  • 240 x 400 – Vertical Rectangle
  • 336 x 280 – Large Rectangle
  • 180 x 150 – Rectangle
  • 300 x 100 – 3:1 Rectangle
  • 720 x 300 – Pop-Under – Pop-Up Page
  • 468 x 60 – Full Banner
  • 234 x 60 – Half Banner
  • 88 x 31 – Micro Stick
  • 120 x 90 – Button 1
  • 120 x 60 – Button 2
  • 120 x 240 – Vertical Banner
  • 125 x 125 – Square Button
  • 728 x 90 – Leaderboard
  • 160 x 600 – Wide Skyscraper
  • 120 x 600 – Skyscraper
  • 300 x 600 – Half Page Advertisement

Does internet advertising make sense?


Since the internet world is based in the United States, we should look at some of the data shared in this country. Internet advertising spending surpassed traditional ad spend for the first time in 2016. In 2019, US internet advertising grew by $124.6 billion.

Also in 2019, Facebook had 42% of total internet ads. Internet made 31% of ad spend was spent on banner ads. Percentages and numbers are increasing day by day. In other words, internet advertising has come to a point where it will surpass traditional advertising. This is remarkable proof that the digital world is now even more important than the real world.

frequently seen on websites. what is a banner, what does it do, what is targeted with banner ads We answered the frequently asked questions and talked about the details you need to know about internet advertising. You can share your thoughts about banner ads in the comments.

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