What is Alchemy? Who are the Important Alchemists in History?

Although the main goals of alchemy, which is considered charlatanism by some and ‘pseudo’ science by others, are impossible to achieve goals that some may call nonsense, such as finding immortality and turning worthless metals into gold, alchemy has contributed to humanity and science in addition to its purpose.

Alchemy, It is known as an application that first emerged under the name of the dreams of people living in ancient times to produce gold particles from other metals.

Although this was the main purpose, over time alchemy went beyond its purpose; healing for diseases, cure for death It turned into an even more imaginary practice like this. Because alchemy makes such promises, medieval It achieved a very high popularity during its period. Well, try it partly, partly to magic What actually is based alchemy?

What is alchemy? Let’s look at the definition:

Alchemy, The word originates from the Arabic word (al-Kimiya). It is known that this was translated into English as “Alchemy”. Alchemy is based on the investigation of nature through primitive methods, and these studies are based on various spells, spells and trial and error methods.

Firstly alchemy, for converting lead metal into gold metal it’s coming out. Afterwards, stones and metals are viewed with a more spiritual eye. People who practiced alchemy even started a search for the “philosopher’s stone” that ensured immortality. We will talk about this issue in more detail in the subheadings.

So, is alchemy a science? If not, why?

alchemy and magic

of alchemy science There is a very common belief that it is. But alchemy was never a science. He only benefited from branches of science such as medicine and physics and experiments Because it can never be addressed objectively of alchemy It is unthinkable that it is a branch of science.

Let’s explain a little more; What is alchemy and what does it aim for?

alchemical mixture

Alchemy, It can be called the term of both nature research and a spiritual philosophy discipline, incorporating many branches of science such as medicine and physics, and adding magic and magic into it.

alchemists It can be considered quite normal to call the majority of them names such as pseudo-scientists, crazy people and charlatans. Because the things they researched were extraordinary and far from science. Among the aims of alchemy are; turning lead into gold, producing poisons, magic potions The existence of many elements that we can describe as utopian, such as production, confirms this definition.

It had 3 main purposes: What are the fields of study of alchemy?

  • Creating the elixir of immortality.
  • Bringing a dead person back to life.
  • Transformation of non-precious metals into gold.

of alchemy Although it actually has 3 main purposes, it contributes to everything except its purpose, almost to most of the products we use today. Yes alchemy Their main purpose, their joint work, was essentially to achieve these 3 basic goals. But alchemists; ink, glass, vitriol, alum, silk, gunpowder, ceramics He found many items such as. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that they brought everything to humanity except their goals.

Who are the most important alchemists in history?

  • Avicenna (Avicenna)
  • Aristotle
  • Thales
  • Anaximenes
  • Abu Bakr Al Razi

alchemists We can call most of them charlatans, but among them there are people like Ibn Sina, who actually produced medicines using alchemy.‘father of modern medicine’ There are also thinkers such as Aristotle, one of the greatest thinkers. Let’s take a look at the work these important people did using alchemy.

Studies of Ibn Sina, the father of modern medicine, in the field of alchemy:

Ibn Sina

Ibn Sina, When we say his western name (Avicenna), it can be considered quite normal that the first thing that comes to our mind is various drugs and his works in the field of medicine. Avicenna is considered by everyone to be the father of medicine. However, his work was not limited to MEDICAL science.

Avicenna made medicines using many plants, in proper doses It is known that he prepared mixtures. In addition, Ibn Sina, who discovered many chemicals, also dealt with many branches of science such as astronomy, chemistry, physics and philosophy.

Aristotle and alchemy, which laid the foundations of philosophy:


He is still one of the greatest thinkers of philosophy today with his thoughts and ideas. Aristotlewith its mindset, is actually quite close to what alchemy advocates. Alchemy, He suggests that the world and even the universe consist of 4 elements. Aristotle said that matter consists of atoms and the Earth consists of atoms. soil, from air, water and fire thinks it has occurred.

Thales and Alchemy:

ThalesAlthough he was actually a mathematician, he also worked on philosophy and alchemy. In these alchemical studies, he thinks that the main substance of matter is water and argues that water is the basis of everything. Thales, He added something to alchemy that the alchemists at that time did not know, but which everyone knows now. This water solid, liquid and gas It turns out that it has three different states.

With his opposing thought to Thales: Anaximenes

in Anaximenes In fact, he is known as a natural philosopher and thinker. On the other hand, as thought Thales They contradict. The reason for this is that it sees air as the main substance rather than liquid.

He thinks air is more valuable than water for life. Air occupies more space in the environment than water. Anaximenes One of the factors that make him think this way.

Abu Bakr Al Razi and pharmacy:

Abu Bakr Al Razi

His father is a pharmacist Abu Bakr Al Razi continues his pharmacy business even after his father’s death. Abu Bakr He is considered an extremely important scientist. in different fields Has more than 200 books Abu Bakr is also known for discovering alcohol and kerosene.

One of his most important discoveries flower with measles It is known to suggest that the diseases are different diseases. Also alchemy charlatan He makes many statements to the group to give up their dream of turning worthless metals into gold, arguing that such a thing is not possible.


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We know that the basic aims of alchemy are extremely absurd and unscientific. However, we cannot ignore the contribution of alchemy to science, even indirectly. Modern in medicine We can even observe the effects of some drugs used in ancient times. But immortality or worthlessness metal to gold Transformation efforts are purely a dream and it is known that such a thing cannot happen.

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