What is a Lunar Eclipse, When Does It Happen?

Since the Earth, Sun and Moon are in constant motion, their orbits intersect from time to time, they come between each other and the events we call eclipses take place. During the lunar eclipse, our satellite remains under the shadow of our planet. Let’s examine the lunar eclipse, which we have the chance to see twice a year, and when it happens, in all details.

Everything in the universe is constantly moving, albeit at different speeds. While this movement of some is free, the movement of others takes place in an orbit. The Sun, Earth, and Moon also revolve in such orbits. Sometimes when these orbits intersect, objects block each other and eclipses occur. The lunar eclipse is precisely the result of such interference. appears as.

During the lunar eclipse, the Moon, which is in the shadow of the Earth, appears dark because it cannot fully reflect the Sun’s light. Sometimes all of them remain in the dark, and sometimes some of them continue to see and reflect the light. More interestingly, during the bloody lunar eclipse, we can see our satellite in a red color. Bride What is a lunar eclipse and when will it happen? Let’s take a closer look at the frequently asked questions.

First, let’s understand the situation well; What is a lunar eclipse?

The Earth, Sun and Moon are in constant motion just like everything else in the universe. All three have a specific orbit. The Moon’s orbit is slightly inclined. Thanks to this tilt, we see the different phases of the Moon when viewed from Earth. During the Full Moon phase, which is one of these phases, the Earth sometimes stays between the Sun and the Moon, and thus a lunar eclipse occurs.

How, in which phase does the lunar eclipse take place, and how exactly?

During the Full Moon, one of the eight phases of the Moon, we literally see the bright side of the Moon when we look from the Earth. At this very moment, a coincidence occurs. The Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. This means that the Moon cannot receive and reflect sunlight directly.

Under the shadow of our world, which stretches for 42 billion kilometers, Because the Moon does not receive sunlight or not enough completely or partially in darkness. Because, as we know, the Moon does not have its own light, it reflects the light it receives from the Sun thanks to its reflective surface. During the lunar eclipse, this reflection does not occur because it remains in the shadow of the Earth.

When and how often does a lunar eclipse occur?

Lunar eclipses actually happen more often than we think, but depending on which hemisphere we’re in, we might not see them. Lunar eclipses occur twice a year, but sometimes it can be three. For example, three lunar eclipses are expected in 2027. You can see when, how many times and how the lunar eclipse will occur until the year 2100, via the link here.

Our satellite does not stay in the shade much; How long does a lunar eclipse last?

The Earth came between the Sun and the Moon and took our satellite 42 billion kilometers into its shadow. The shadow of the Earth extending to this point is about 8800 kilometers wide. The rotation speed of the Moon is also an average of 3456 kilometers per hour. In other words, a total lunar eclipse takes between 50 minutes and 1 hour. However, it can take up to 4 hours between its full start and end, although not all of it is visible to the human eye.

There are different types of lunar eclipse seen:

  • total lunar eclipse
  • partial lunar eclipse
  • half moon eclipse

Total lunar eclipse:

Umbra during a total lunar eclipse, also called total shadow There is a regular coincidence. The moon is illuminated only by a small amount of light reflected from the Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore, not every point is completely pitch black.

Partial Lunar Eclipse:

partial lunar eclipse

Partial Lunar Eclipse; Earth, Sun and Moon occurs as a result of faulty alignment. Only part of the Moon remains under the Earth’s region. It is often thought that one of the phases of the Moon is taking place.

Half Moon Eclipse:

half moon eclipse

In a half lunar eclipse, called penumbra, the Moon is not completely in shadow. it’s more like it’s under a gray filter. So much so that most of the time the lunar eclipse is not even noticed.

So what is a bloody lunar eclipse?

The Moon, which is in the shadow of the Earth during a total lunar eclipse, is not always completely dark. Because Like the moon’s surface, Earth’s atmosphere is reflective. Thanks to the wavelengths reflecting from the atmosphere and hitting the lunar surface, an orange-red color appears during the lunar eclipse. The more dust and clouds there are in the Earth’s atmosphere at the time of the lunar eclipse, the redder the Moon will be.

What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth enters between the Sun and the Moon and leaves our satellite in its shadow. In a solar eclipse, the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. The Moon shadows the Earth. During a solar eclipse, part of the Sun is closed, depending on the distance of the Moon from the Earth. Because the Moon has a small shadow, a small part of the Earth is affected.

Much of the effects of the lunar eclipse on human psychology are myth:

As we understand, the lunar eclipse is actually an ordinary natural phenomenon. However, the closure of the Moon that still illuminates the night, no matter where we look because it is a mystical-looking event Throughout history, numerous myths have emerged that the lunar eclipse affects humans and animals in different ways.

To approach the subject from a scientific point of view, the lunar eclipse has no proven effect on humans. Of course, it can create some psychological changes. however, it is possible to say that this effect has disappeared, as we spend nights with such intense light that we do not even notice the lunar eclipse.

The effect of the lunar eclipse on animals can be observed. It has been observed that some chimpanzees exhibit different behaviors during the lunar eclipse. The reason for this situation is that animals still want to see the Sun during the day and the Moon at night with their primitive instincts, and when they do not, they think that something is wrong. After all, a lunar eclipse is scary for an animal trying to find its way in the forest by moonlight.

Caused by the Earth coming between the Moon and the Sun What is a lunar eclipse, when does it happen, what are its types We answered frequently asked questions such as: If you follow the cycle, you can watch this event, which looks like a great short film, twice a year without a ticket, without a subscription.

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