What Do the Codes on the Eggs Mean?

Eggs, which are indispensable for breakfast tables, are thought to be a complete health store that contains many components that the human body needs, and also contains the highest quality proteins that we can take into our body, according to studies, but not every egg is that healthy. Many factors such as the age of the chicken and the conditions in which it was raised can affect the quality and health of the chicken. But what should we pay attention to in order to choose our eggs as healthy?

Everyone, especially children in the developmental age, if the person does not have an exceptional disease. one egg per day should consume. Access to purchase eggs is not a problem nowadays, as everyone has a grocery store nearby. There is a high demand for eggs due to the fact that many people consume eggs regularly and that they are easily accessible. In response to this demand, in order to accelerate the egg production of chickens, it is not beneficial for health. hormone, chemical feed It does not hesitate to use substances that should be avoided, such as consumption.

Due to the high supply and demand situation, there is an incident that happens to most foods, which is industrialization. Due to the age of fast consumption, access to unhealthy foods is much easier than healthy foods, and eggs are one of the foods most affected by this situation. So, the egg, which is actually thought to be a health store, if you are careless become unhealthy he can come. Well, let’s find out what the meanings of the codes that show us which egg we should choose are in our content.

What do the codes on the eggs mean?

  • 0: Organic eggs
  • 1: Wandering chicken egg
  • 2: Poultry eggs
  • 3: cage chicken egg

First of all, what do all the numbers stamped on the egg mean?

There is usually a code on the egg and the date below the code. ‘YT’ so-called chicken ovulation date located below the code. day, month and year is stamped. The expiry date of the egg is after laying the egg. It is 28 days.

The code on the history gives a lot of information about egg production and chicken rearing. at the beginning of the code 0 to 3 There is a code and each number gives information about the conditions under which the chicken was raised. Afterwards, it gives information about which country it was raised in. country code is found. If the egg was raised in Turkey, the TR code is stamped. Next to the country code is the two-digit city where it was produced. traffic code is found.

The longest digit code next to the traffic code is the traffic code and the country code, as well as the number of the enterprise where the egg is produced, given by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. The last code is if the egg is produced in the hen, which coop is the number that indicates it.

Well, what do the leading numbers in the code on the egg mean?

0: Organic eggs


If you see the code 0 in front of TR on the egg you bought good choice You’ve done it because this number means that no chemical products were used when raising the chicken and that it was found in a completely natural environment. So your egg It is an organic product and you can consume it with peace of mind. But of course, as a result of this care, the price is higher than other eggs.

It is approved by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock on the package of the seller companies of organic eggs. organic farming logo is found.

1: Wandering chicken egg

roaming chicken egg

Relative to 0 coded eggs a little unhealthy but still preferable coded number 1 eggs are the eggs of roaming chickens. as the chickens want roam free However, there is no certainty that no hormones or chemical products are used while raising chickens. In today’s economy, if you want to eat a little healthier, but not that expensive, you can consume eggs with the number 1 code.

2: Poultry eggs


number 2 eggs with code, living in the henhouse belongs to chickens. Although they have a slightly more limited living space than free-range chickens, they can still move around to a certain extent. There is a high probability in the feeding and rearing of chickens. hormone and chemical products harmful substances such as Particular attention should be paid not to use by children in developmental age and sick people.

3: cage chicken egg

cage chicken


It turns out that chickens have surprisingly ‘humanoid’ abilities

number 3 eggs with the code, as long as the possibilities allow should definitely be avoided. Chickens are in such bad conditions for industrial production that they can hardly move. in restricted areas It is grown by giving hormonal and chemical feeds in order to give eggs and fast eggs.

It is the most produced in our country and therefore They are the cheapest eggs. These eggs are used in many ready-made foods because they are easy to reach. Eggs with code 3, as in number 2 eggs, are one of the foods that should never be consumed by children in developmental age.


Facts About the Production of Industrial Chickens That You Will Be Horrified To Learn

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