What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy? What’s Good for It?

Heartburn during pregnancy is a common problem that many women face during pregnancy. Heartburn occurs as a result of increased hormone levels during pregnancy and the pressure of the growing uterus on the stomach. In this article, we answered questions for you such as what causes heartburn during pregnancy and what is good for heartburn during pregnancy.

Although heartburn is usually caused by increased hormone levels and the growing uterus putting pressure on the stomach, stomach acid backing up into the esophagus can also cause heartburn. Although heartburn during pregnancy is usually harmless, severe and persistent heartburn may You should definitely consult your doctor.

Your doctor will already offer the appropriate treatment method for heartburn, but in this article, we tried to provide you with more accurate and in-depth information on the subject and to answer this important question that almost every pregnant woman asks at least once, such as what is good for heartburn during pregnancy.

When does heartburn start during pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy is a common complaint that usually begins in the first trimester of pregnancy. Many women are in the 6th-8th week of pregnancy. between weeks heartburn symptoms encounters. During this period, changes in hormone levels and the growing uterus can put pressure on the stomach, causing stomach acid to leak back into the esophagus.

The onset of heartburn during pregnancy may vary from person to person. While some women experience heartburn in the early stages of pregnancy, others may experience this problem later in life.

Heartburn usually increases as pregnancy progresses and may become more pronounced in the third trimester. This is because the growing uterus puts more pressure on the stomach and the digestive system slows down.

It’s important to follow your doctor’s recommendations for dealing with heartburn during pregnancy. Adjusting your diet, changing your sleeping position after meals, and using antacid medications approved by your doctor can relieve heartburn.

How to relieve heartburn during pregnancy?

pregnant woman

Heartburn during pregnancy is an uncomfortable condition that many women face. However, you can relieve heartburn by taking some precautions and making lifestyle changes;

  • Organize your diet: Avoid excessively fatty, spicy and acidic foods. Instead, take care to consume light foods that are easy to digest. Eat your meals more often and in smaller portions.
  • Stay away from acidic drinks: Sodas, caffeinated drinks and acidic fruit juices can trigger heartburn. Instead of consuming these, choose lighter drinks such as water, herbal teas or milk. (Do not forget to consult your doctor when consuming herbal teas)
  • Change your sleeping position after eating: Avoid going to bed immediately after meals. Wait at least a few hours before going to bed and sleep with your head slightly elevated.
  • Use soothing methods: Stress and tension can increase heartburn. You can find relief by applying methods such as relaxation techniques, deep breathing and meditation during pregnancy.
  • Consult your doctor: If your heartburn complaint persists or is very severe, contact your doctor. He or she may recommend antacids or other medications that you can use appropriately and safely.

Even though heartburn during pregnancy can be uncomfortable, you can ease the symptoms and find relief with the above methods. But remember, you should always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

What is good for heartburn during pregnancy?

pregnant woman with drink

Heartburn during pregnancy is a common problem faced by many women. You can try some natural methods to relieve heartburn:

  • Consume your meals in small portions and at frequent intervals.
  • Avoid excessively fatty, spicy and acidic foods.
  • Do not go to bed immediately after meals, wait at least a few hours.
  • Drink plenty of water and increase your fluid intake.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and avoid tight belts.
  • Use natural stomach relaxers, such as ginger tea or chamomile tea. (Again, it would be beneficial to get an expert opinion before consuming these teas)
  • Sleep with your head elevated or supported using pillows.

You can try these methods to relieve heartburn during pregnancy. However, in case of severe heartburn, it is important to consult your doctor.

Which doctor should you see for heartburn during pregnancy?

pregnant woman and doctor

A woman who experiences heartburn during pregnancy should usually first consult a doctor who deals with health problems during pregnancy. The gynecologist or pregnancy specialist who monitors the pregnancy will evaluate heartburn symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment methods.

Additionally, a gastroenterologist, a doctor who specializes in problems with the digestive system, may be involved in the treatment process in more complex cases. A woman who complains of heartburn during pregnancy should consult her doctor to get the most accurate guidance and determine the appropriate treatment methods.

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