What Actually Makes Our Hair Color Darker Over Time?

Some children have blond or jet black hair when they are first born, and parents think their child will have these hair colors for a lifetime. However, within a few years, the child’s obviously blond hair will darken in a short period of time, while the darker hair tends to lighten. So how can such a thing happen?

As strange as it may sound, most of us are particularly fond of this change. we lived through infancy and adolescence and didn’t question much. However, science has a logical answer to the situation, which is very difficult to make sense of.

Now of the hair colors we had as children, how it can turn into a completely different color later on let’s see.

Our hair and eye colors are usually shaped by our genes, but this choice of color is not only related to the genes we have, but also to their changing depending on some factors.

Our hair color is actually shaped by the amount of a natural pigment called melanin in our hair. melanin pigment, formed by cells called melanocytes and these cells continue to be active in each strand of our hair.

This melanin pigment is divided into two different types, eumelanin and pheomelanin, both of which impart a different color to the hair. Eumelanin gives hair a brown and black color And the more this pigment is in the body, the darker the hair will be.

Pheomelanin, on the other hand, regulates the redness of the hair, just as eumelanin controls the darkness of the hair color. Also, pheomelanin pigment, The more there is in the hair, the more the red tone will increase. In addition, if the amount of pheomelanin in the body is much higher than it should be, the color it will give to the hair may become invisible at all.

Each of us has the genes to produce these two types of pigment, but the cells in our body do not produce them in equal amounts.


At this point, it is decisive that genes play a role in open and closed forms. For example, the melanin genes in the soles of our feet and palms are turned off and inactive. However, over time, these genes may turn off when on and on when off, and Along with different parts of our body, our hair can also change color.

When it comes to color change, as well as genes, hormones also play a big role. Hormones are kind of chemical signals responsible for sending messages between parts of the body and Changes in hormone levels cause pigment genes to turn on and off.

Although these hair color changes, which are caused by genes and hormones, are mainly seen in children and young people, they can also affect adults from time to time. Again, diet, age factor and the rate of sun exposure cause changes in the types and amounts of hormones produced by our body. In summary, this change It can happen to you at an unexpected time in your lifetime.

So what causes hair that turns white or gray with age?

River Erdogan

With age, the cells that produce melanin in the body do not work as well as they used to and tend to wear out. Worn cells cannot perform well in transferring the pigment to the hair and Hair that receives a small amount of pigment becomes gray, and hair that does not receive any pigment becomes white.

In short, when these cells die at a young age, new ones take their place, but because of advanced age, the cells cannot be renewed. So a If the melanin is not replaced, the hair in that area remains unpigmented. and the hair that tends to turn white or gray continues to exist in this way.


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