We Transformed Political Party Leaders into Marvel Characters!

When we say “politics”, we all think of serious issues and people. Because political leaders are our spokespersons and their decisions affect us all. In today’s content, we take political leaders away from seriousness and turn them into Marvel heroes that we all love.

The Marvel universe contains many heroes that we all know and even admire. Moreover, all of these characters individual traits, unique accessories and costumes there is.

So we asked ChatGPT which Marvel characters our political leaders might be, and based on this information we got. via Midjourney We turned political leaders into Marvel characters. As long as he doesn’t give the same name as another political leader while doing this. We did not interfere in any way with ChatGPT’s answers. So let’s get started.

First of all, we asked ChatGPT to make Future Party Chairman Ahmet Davutoğlu look like a Marvel character, and the answer we got was as follows:

Here is Ahmet Davutoğlu, who has superpowers and is a little younger!

ahmet davutoglu doctor strange

ChatGPT chose Ant-Man for the Founding Chairman of the Democracy and Atılım Party, Ali Babacan. Because, according to artificial intelligence, Ali Babacan can think strategically just like Ant-Man.

chatgpt ali babacan

Ali Babacan’s smile that does not fall on his face even if he is Ant-Man:

Ali Babacan Ant-Man

We came to another political leader we know with his characteristic facial features: Erkan Baş, Chairman of the Workers’ Party of Turkey. The proposal of artificial intelligence for Erkan Baş is quite interesting. ChatGPT chose Erkan Baş for “The Punisher” because of his brave personality and defending what he believes in.


It wasn’t too bad for us…

erkan chief the punisher

To Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Chairman of the Republic and People’s Party… According to ChatGPT, Kılıçdaroğlu is most like Captain America due to the importance he attaches to justice and moral values.

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu chatgpt

Even though ChatGPT said “Captain America”, we localized it and made Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu “Captain Turkey”:

kemal swordsman captain america

Ekrem İmamoğlu, the Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, is next. The Marvel character chosen by artificial intelligence for İmamoğlu was Spider-Man. He explained his reasoning as follows:

ekrem imamoglu chatgpt

Spider-Man costume suits him very well…

ekrem imamoglu spiderman

For Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavaş, he proposed “Thor”, which has a large fan base.

mansur slow chatgpt

…And being Thor suited Mansur Yavaş quite well.

mansur slow thor

ChatGPT’s choice for Felicity Party Chairman Temel Karamollaoğlu was Professor X, the unforgettable character of the X-Men series.

basic karamollaoglu

In our opinion, Temel Karamollaoğlu’s unique appearance suited Professor X very well.

basic karamollaoğlu professor x

Muharrem İnce, Chairman of the Country Party, is next. Let’s see what ChatGPT recommends for Ince:


Muharrem İnce’s Iron Man armor was a very personal creation. So much so that we can still see his tie under the armor.

Muharrem Fine - Iron Man

Now we move on to Meral Akşener, who is a strong female political leader. It is obvious that ChatGPT was most impressed by Meral Akşener’s strong personality and stance while making her choice.

Meral Akşener chatgpt

It seems that if Meral Akşener had not entered politics, she could have been a Marvel hero.

meral akşener captain marvel

ChatGPT’s proposal for Devlet Bahçeli is quite interesting.


Although he may seem like a slightly different Nick Fury, we think this character added a different atmosphere to Devlet Bahçeli.

with state garden

Finally, we asked ChatGPT to make an analogy for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.


Midjourney came up with this image in accordance with these descriptions:

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Of course, let us remind you again that this is content prepared for entertainment purposes. Because ChatGPT made the choices in this content, not us. As a result, funny images emerged. Which is your favourite?


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