Vulnerability Detected for Billion Dollars of Cryptocurrency: Ethereum and Altcoins Are at Risk!

Blockchain security firm dWallet Labs has reported a vulnerability worth $1 billion that also affects popular altcoins in the cryptocurrency market.

DWallet Labs made a fearful statement about the cryptocurrency market. Company Ethereum (ETH), BNB (BNB), Aptos (APT) And Sui (SUI) Including cryptocurrencies such as to 1 billion dollars He suggested that nearby cryptocurrencies were at risk.

The risk in question InfStones hosted by an infrastructure provider called from a potential vulnerability in validators emphasizing that it originates from dWallet The team stated that they found the vulnerability in question and tested it in a simulation environment.

The security firm claims that due to the security vulnerability, beneficiary an attackeron different blockchains validators’ private keys He said he could get it.

The team is aware of this potential riskto alleged losses While arguing that it should be eliminated before it causes damage, the following noteworthy statements were included in the continuation of the statement:

A number of vulnerabilities we discovered and exploited during our research allowed us to take full control of hundreds of validators across multiple large networks, execute code, and extract their private keys, potentially directly generating over a billion dollars in cryptocurrencies such as ETH, BNB, SUI, APT, and others. caused loss.

Such a thing may not be possible

These claims made by dWallet Labs validator service provider from InfStones came the answer. InfStones says there is no such a big gap and even in the worst case scenario He said $1 billion was not at risk.

InfStones representative Darko Radunovic In his statement to Cointelegraph, he confirmed that the potential security vulnerability existed, but said it was a threat to the entire system. to a very small part He argued that it corresponds to:

Instances detected in production account for less than 0.1% of the live nodes we have launched to date.

InfStones also shared a post stating that the security vulnerability in the news has been fixed.

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