Editing Messages Feature Coming to Snapchat

Snapchat is preparing to offer users the long-awaited ability to edit sent messages soon.

Social media application Snapchat will witness many innovations in the near future. App emoji reactions, Although innovations such as the artificial intelligence reminder feature will come, the real attention is drawn by the feature of editing messages that have been sent but not yet read.

Ability to edit sent messages within a limited time period It seems to have been planned to eliminate typos or minor errors. Because after sending a message, there is only a five-minute correction window. This period may end earlier if the messages are read. Because read messages will not be able to be edited. When we look at it from this perspective, we can say that the feature is similar to the message editing feature in X Premium.

Other features will come to Snapchat

Among the other features that will come to Snapchat, the first one is the system that uses artificial intelligence, which we met last year. My AI chatbot There will be a reminder compatible with . My AI will remind us of important deadlines and can set countdown timers for us. In addition snapchatwill be able to create costumes for bitmoji avatars using artificial intelligence, 90s polaroid style will allow you to take photos.

Those who do not use Bitmoji will be able to react with standard emojis. Also, now our friends locations on the map We will also be able to react with emoji. These innovations will be available to everyone soon, only the message editing feature will be exclusive to users with paid subscriptions.


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